I have not received a single call, text, or email in reply after nearly 100 reports submitted to any government agency that could potentially help (***EDIT: Cook County Police called once about a reported hate crime but they did not believe what I was saying, so nothing happened). The federal government is not taking anything I report seriously either, or they're being told to ignore me by a military research organization.

If you make a report or contact a government office handling cyber-security or public corruption, mention or Dalton Lind so we can get some momentum. When they finally investigate internally, the audit will stop similar issues for other current and future victims.



Google holds the longest list of malicious domains and software, and honestly Google is more powerful than any government when it comes to how the security of our everyday technology will evolve in the future. 

If you come across an unauthorized screen recording being streamed online, first report it to the site you're on, and then add the URL to Google's list of malicious sites. 

I'm essentially trying to save the world single-handedly with thousands of evil people working against me. Please try to reach out to me with any information you think could help. It will be highly appreciated if it is not blocked.

A MAJOR ISSUE I AM SEEKING INFORMATION ABOUT: People are able to be in my physical proximity to touch me or my things without my recollection. I've never been informed of how this is being achieved or who is doing this, and unfortunately this is NOT an indicator of it not truly happening.  

I am NOT a criminal, I am NOT hacking you, I am NOT a voice in your head, I am NOT lying about anything I say for ulterior motives, & I DO NEED HELP URGENTLY for a real issue. Anything you hear otherwise was intentionally disseminated to stop me from getting help.

If you're the type of person who hates learning about computers and modern technology, you are the most at-risk for being completely fooled by fake or apps, sites, or schemes. Technology is actually more simple than tech companies intentionally make it seem.

 A life-long tech nerd/enthusiast (me) once said

"You wouldn't pay them if you could do it yourself"

What I mean is companies profit immensely from providing services you can actually easily do on your own with the a few clicks. They'll frequently act as if they're doing some sort of heavy lifting to justify pricing, when in reality it costs them zero dollars and a few seconds of their time (or no time at all). 

Don't let the technical jargon scare you (another tactic), and if you do not understand what it does...don't buy it.

Prime examples of schemes used to capitalize on unknowing consumers are "The Cloud" and 2020's most popular discourse of "A.I.". Companies labeling their products and services with these have higher pricing and more sales than a competitor offering an identical service or product with no buzz words. 



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Create a shortened link to share at (for free).


"Word of mouth" = An un-hackable, un-measurable, un-controllable metric for spreading a message.