This is one of the strongest points I have to make about proof of being implanted with medical devices against my knowledge or consent. 

I cannot show other people voices in my head or record every second of every day, but I can easily reproduce copies of my radiology images from hospitals. 

Here is a direct link to the infographic below in case it doesn't show up

I am now experiencing frequent blackouts/amnesia, memory loss, headaches, and rapid alterations in my emotional and physical states. The goal seems to be to murder me in the slowest and most depressing way imaginable - induced brain cancer. 

They interfere in every social interaction I have with other people, and no longer allow me to communicate with anyone they have not vetted and manipulated in some way. For at least half of most days I am entrenched in modern slavery by way of the DBS and the Brainjacking by my "handlers" or anyone else who wants to torture me from a dark web site they've built.

Princess Danni's Murder via Public Corruption __3 - 3B. Radiology.pdf