After Ahmet, Ayşe from Hakkari, another border city of Turkey, took the stage.

Hello. It is very valuable to be able to talk about our rights here today. Undoubtedly, the full realization of children's rights takes time and effort. In this direction, Turkey ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1995 and has worked to do better since then. Depending on the harmonization process with the European Union in our country, legal and administrative changes have been made on various issues related to children's rights. With these changes, more focused on issues such as child marriage, child labor and street children. Early marriage and employment of children is prohibited today. There are large penalties for those who do not comply with this ban. Even criminals' families are punished.

Güllü BATAK/Turkey/Hakkari/Şemdinli İmam Hatip Secondary School