Hello, I'm Athea. I live in Lescovik, Albania. Here I would like to talk to you about the problems faced by children in Albania. One of these problems is poverty. Children's living standards are very poor due to poverty. The right to education is slowly developing and becoming more widespread in Albania. However, this was not always the case. Not long ago, the opportunity to get an education was rare and expensive. In fact, during the transition to democracy, the education budget was significantly reduced and educational materials were very expensive. As a result, very few children had the opportunity to read or access the appropriate materials required for school. Recently, schooling has again moved to the top of the country's priorities, but it is still not easy for everyone to access it. About 12% of children in Albania are forced to work to help their families. According to reports from NGOs in Albania, there seems to be around 50,000 Albanian children working. Many of these young people participate in various street activities to earn money: begging, traveling trade; most of the other children work in the agricultural sector. The right to freedom of expression may still be an issue in Albania. As a result, certain views are not always heard, and it is sometimes risky to even share those views very openly.

Diana PASHO/Albania/Jani Vreto Secondary School.