Most People Don't Know Anything About American History

I like talking to people. Really, I do. But the drawback to talking to people is that you find out how dumb they are. And then they confirm it over and over again. That's generally what a conversation is. It's someone telling you, "Yeah. I am an idiot. And this is confirmation." And then you have to politely tell them, "Do me a favor and shut your mouth."

People don't know anything. They know as much as the average person who lived in the year 7. Some guy has a computer, and an iPad, and an iPhone, and he lives next door to a library. All those signs point him actually knowing something. And then you talk to him. And he clearly doesn't know his head from his ass. At least people in the year 7 knew that. "This is my head, and this is my ass. I live in the year 7."

People are their most ignorant when it comes to American history. They don't know anything about it. They think the Mayflower landed on the White House in 1776. They think Johnny Appleseed landed on the moon in 1876. They think the first three presidents are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and America Johnson.

People don't know anything about American history at all. Ask them about the Louisiana Purchase. You know what they’ll say? They’ll say, "Oh. That's when Obama bought Louisiana from Aunt Martha." News flash, ladies and gentlemen. Obama didn't purchase Louisiana. Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana. Obama was against the purchase. As was Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton wanted to spend the money on tampons. And Obama wanted to spend the money on marijuana.

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