
UPCOMING/taped & available/virtual EVENTS

Along with the other seven shortlisted authors, Cheryl read a sample section from her piece "Finding Words in Stages". Link to full piece/print anthology on Short Stories Page of this site 



Cheryl's interview as a past contributor of Blank Spaces Magazine (Toronto, Canada) can be viewed on their website. Conversation includes questions about her writing process, her inspiration/motivation, her hopes for her own literary future as well as that of Canadian literature. 


Authors read excerpt from their pieces, as publishsed in Pulp Literature, Issue 36.

Winners of Spider Road Press 2020 Spider Web Flash Fiction Contest  *Cheryl will read her H.M piece, To Breathe Absent the Presence of  Others

Just Words, Vol 4, Anthology Launch - Alanna Rusnak Publishing   *Cheryl read her gold medal flash fiction piece, Floccinaucinihilipilification 

Author immersive booth.  Speaking topic:  "Literary vs Vocabulary: How Novel Choices Can Improve Reading Level Development"

Included immersive, 20 foot 'story tunnel' with imagery and audio from author's first novel, Habitan