EV Reports

Electrathon Report Info Video.mp4

Final Report Information

See video above for a detailed explanation of final reports and monthly log books

Important Deadlines for Reports:

Report Rubrics

Final Report Templates

Monthly Log Books

Reports and log books will only be accepted at this email:

Please submit all report sections and log books as a PDF. ChallengeUSA is not responsible for document formatting that may change from one computer to another due to use of Word, Google Docs, InDesign, or any other file format other than a PDF.

Please make sure that your school name and vehicle number are in document titles, headers, etc. Somewhere that they can be easily found. If we do not know which vehicle a report belongs to, we aren't going to put effort into tracking it down, it will just be discarded.

Please ONLY submit the section(s) that are due. For example, when you submit sections IV and V, do not send in sections I, II, and III with them. Only send in the segment that is being graded at that time. I suggest printing as a PDF and only choosing the pages for that section. I would suggest putting a page break between each section so printing does not include previous or subsequent sections.

Please submit Log Books separately from report sections, as separate PDFs. This means that your submission emails might have multiple files attached, which is okay.

Please make sure that all documentation in Section IX is submitted as part of your PDF. Do not submit separate pictures or documents for the parts list, labor list, driver exit certification, battery certification, and field of vision certification.