Be Green Award

Every month Conservation Crew awards a CFHS staff member for their efforts in sustainability. This award was started at the end of 2019 in order to recognize people outside of our group that are making strides in the world of conservation.

February 2021: The Recycling Team

The Recycling team has been working hard consistently for their entire Highschool career; we owe a lot of our recycling victories to them. It's collaboration like this between two groups that make the impossible tasks doable and the easy tasks already done. Be sure to thank anyone you see recycling as appreciation goes a long way. Thank you for making this school better and more sustainable!

February 2021: Josh Forke

Mr. Forke, the band director at CFHS, works hard to keep recycling receptacles open and available in his class at all times. Mr. Forke is always conscious of the footprint that he is leaving behind and is an excellent role model for those looking into conservation. Thank you Mr. Forke for keeping an open and focused mind on the issue at hand!

october 2020: Art Club

Conservation Crew and Art Club have been hard at work on a trash-to-art project made out of the bottle caps we have collected throughout the school. We are so excited to be collaborating on a sustainable art project with such a wonderful and creative group of people, and we can't wait to share the final product with the school.

september 2020: Jenny Lovering

Mrs. Lovering is a government and psychology teacher at CFHS. She has been choosing many sustainable actions like biking to school and recycling. She also Supports the Conservation Crew in our many projects, and is an active voice for sustainability in our community through her position on the City Council and as president of the Community Garden.

February 2020: Jeff Remiker

Mr. Remiker is an industrial technology teacher at CFHS and continues to show support for sustainability and conservation. Mr. Remiker has provided Conservation Crew with necessary tools for our projects and has helped design and create our signs and plaques. Thank you, Mr. Remiker, for your help and encouragement!

January 2020: Lindsey Henning

Mrs. Henning is the family and consumer sciences teacher at CFHS. Mrs. Henning has been instrumental in supporting our club through composting in kitchen classes and providing materials for the club and for Sustainable Systems! Thank you for making CFHS more sustainable!

December 2019: Laurie Iunghuhn

Laurie, head of CFHS food service, has worked with our club since 2017, helping eliminate Styrofoam lunch trays and reduce single use utensils in the cafeteria. Laurie has also helped the club with our Tower Garden project and school wide composting. We greatly appreciate Laurie's support!

November 2019: Nancy Olsen

Our beloved custodian Nancy has been a strong supporter of our club and works hard to promote recycling and reduction of plastic use at CFHS. Thank you Nancy!