Visual and Organizational Supports

05: Daily Schedule

Lets the student see their entire day at one glance. It should be grade appropriate, posted, and used during times of transition and regrouping. 

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

Remote Learning

06: Instructional Schedule

On this schedule activities from the daily schedule are broken down into mini-schedules or task analyses.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

Remote Learning

07: Individual Visual Schedules

These are used for students who have more transitions than are reflected in the daily schedule or who require the daily schedule to be closer to them in order to utilize it. They should be readily available to students who need additional support, reflect students’ needs, abilities, and interests, and students are supported in using them independently during times of transition and regrouping so it is always clear where they are in the schedule.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

Remote Learning

08: Transitions

Moving from one activity to the next can be difficult for some students. To help everyone make smooth transitions they should occur with predictable routines, signals or cues.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

Remote Learning

09: Independent Transitions

These transitions can be coming from a break, time with ancillary staff, a bathroom trip, etc. To help make these successful, they are supported through the use of visual systems and strategies.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

Remote Learning

Independent Transition Tools

10: Schedule Changes

Disappointment or being caught off guard due to a change in your day can cause stress or confusion. When a schedule changes, they should be addressed with as much advance notice as possible to prepare students and should include specific strategies to reduce distress such as change cards and updating the visual schedule.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

Remote Learning

Schedule Change Tools

11: Visual Supports

Are used to enhance understanding of verbal instructions and expectations, increase engagement, support independence in task completion, and reduce challenging behavior.

12: Self-Management Systems

Can be used to increase engagement or independent task completion and also may reduce challenging behavior. It is important to individualize the system for the students ability and interests.