

Positive and respectful as demonstrated by affirmative staff-to-student interactions and staff-to-staff interactions. Children work better when they feel safe, cared for and acknowledged. The learning climate should reflect an openness to learning for all.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

  • Feedback is provided through a variety of ways (e.g. discussion boards, comments, emails, live interaction, etc).

  • Social emotional learning is embedded throughout the day and/or has a dedicated time.

  • Staff should refrain from disrespectful interactions (i.e,. such as muting a student instead of teaching them how to engage online).

  • Visual Examples

Remote Learning


Whether in a classroom, at home, or on-line, the space for learning is organized and areas are visually defined to indicate the purpose and expectations.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

  • Platform space is labeled and organized using visual icons.

  • Classroom presentations (ppt or slides) include expectations.

  • Visual Examples

Remote Learning

  • If the designated area for learning is a multi use space (e.g., kitchen table), have your student set up work materials and clean them up each day as a part of your schedule.

  • Label Materials

  • Visual Examples

03: Environmental Arrangements

The set up is conducive to learning for all students.

Building Classroom

  • Students can see instructions.

  • Distractions are minimal.

  • Staff can freely monitor and access every student.

  • Utilize a break area.

  • Declutter your space.

  • Visual Examples

On-line Platform

  • Whole group/small group activities are chunked so that students are focusing on one-two things time.

  • Classroom presentations are visually appealing but have minimal distractions.

  • Staff computer is set in a location with minimum background distractions.

  • Visual Examples

Remote Learning

  • Designated area is free from distractions like loud noises, other people, and non-school technology.

  • Declutter the space.

  • Students can see instructions and visuals.

Environmental Arrangement Tools

04: Materials, Activities & Equipment

Everything a student needs to learn is prepared and ready for instruction.

Building Classroom

On-line Platform

  • Learning plans sent home in advance and include links with embedded logins to aid family if possible.

  • Learning presentations provide students with a visual of what materials are needed and time to get those materials.

Remote Learning

  • Bins for storing things you will use every day like paper and notebooks.

  • Have useful school supplies: e.g., whiteboards, pencil boxes.

  • Checklist of what to clean up/plug in at the end of the day.

  • Visual Examples

Materials, Activities, and Equipment Tools