Cerritos Complete

The Cerritos Complete Program is now open for the 2024 year.

Below you will find the Cerritos Complete 6 steps, dates and location, a video sharing the information and detailed information on 6 steps and how to complete them. Please scroll all the way down. Students who complete the 5 steps but later on change their mind about the program can be removed. Steps 2 and 3 can be completed prior to step 1. This program is not binding. This is your opportunity to have options. If you are a student who applied to a 4 year university this serves as a backup for you in case the admission decision did not favor you or the financial aid was not what you hoped for, etc. Please reach out to Mrs. Richards heather.richards@abcusd.us if you have any questions. 

New CCPP Eligibility Checklist Step 1-6 .pdf
Cerritos Complete Info Night Flyer.pdf

Helpful Links

Cerritos College Zoom Drop-In 

Tuesday & Thursdays 1-4:30pm

Meeting ID: 845 1472 3846 

Click here for link

Informational video about the Cerritos Complete Program and what they have to offer 

Click here for video link 

Cerritos Complete Program Website Here