Preparing for College

A-G Poster

The University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) require the college preparatory pattern of subjects referred to as the "a-g" courses for admission. 

No "D" and/or "F" grades in any course

GPA Requirements: 3.0 or higher for CSU; UC and most privates

CSULB Eligibility Index

The CSULB Index is a result of a formula that combines your achievement in your high school college preparatory subjects, along with your cumulative GPA in grades 10 through 12. The formula is a combination of using your cumulative GPA, along with your Math and English subject GPAs.

The CSULB Index for CSULB ranking is calculated as follows:

The STEM Index for CSULB ranking in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) majors is calculated as follows: