AP 2024 Information

Welcome to the AP Page!

This page will give you all the information you need to know for AP Testing for the 2024 year. Should you have any questions, please reach out Mrs Gomez at Rocio.Gomez@abcusd.us 

AP 2024 Testing Information (open on a new window for full Document)

Sent 4/9/24 via Aeries Communication to Parents/Students and sent 4/9/24 to emails students added to College Board Account

CHS 2024 Advanced Placement Testing Information

AP Practice Test and Review Sessions (sent 3/28/24)

AP Practice Test and Review.pdf

AP Final Payment Reminder

Sent 10/6 at 6PM Via Parentsquare

AP Payment Reminder (Final Reminder)

Eligibility Letter

The eligibility letters arrived via Parent Square on 9/25. This document will walk you through the retrieval process. 

AP Payment Letter 23-24

AP Payment reminder letter sent on September 22nd at 6pm

2024 AP Exam Registration and Bill Form

AP Letter 2023-24

AP Letter sent on September 1st at 6PM

AP Letter 23-24

Positive Thoughts

“We become what we think about.” –Earl Nightingal 

It is important to stay positive. The more positive you are, the more healthy your mind will be. If you think that you are going to do badly, you won’t reach your full potential.