Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment is the ability to take college classes at a community colleges for free while enrolled in High School.

HS students typically pay a student fee and purchase a book but do not pay the tuition and fees. 

If you are curious about a subject we do not offer at CHS, this is a great way to explore and get college credit. For instance, intro classes to Sociology, Philosophy, Criminal Justice, law, etc. 

You must look for level 100 classes and ensure that the class shows UC/CSU transferable. 

Registration Process

You will get an email with an ID number (2-3 business days)

 This is not to be confused with the CCID. The Cerritos College ID will be all numbers, no letters. 


(For Summer classes, add the grade you will be going into)

Your counselor will sign their portion and send to the college. Then you register for the class, pay fees, purchase the book, etc. 

Once you complete your class you will need to send the counselor an official transcript. 

Possible Dual Enrollment Courses.pdf