how the team created

Toni (captain) made the team start with his best friend Gurita (co-captain). They started recruiting people but all of them ended up ghosting them as they moved on to another team. Someday, Toni and Gurita worked at Grizzco and they met with Nero. Nero was so good at it. He also encourages his teammates a lot so Toni and Gurita start playing Salmon Run together with Nero more and more (though In this story, the other person disconnects soo). Toni discussed with Gurita to recruit Nero to their team. Surprisingly Nero didn't immediately accept.

Toni: " Nero, did u play Pvps aside from Salmon Run? "

Nero: " Not that much but yeah I can play. "

Toni: " Great, have you ever wanted to get a team to play together? "

Nero: " Hmm? Like appearing in competitive play and joining tournaments?? "

Toni: " Yeah, something like that. "

Nero: " ..I mean, it's cool but.. I prefer to have Salmon run team and well.. "

Toni: " Hahah of course! this team doesn't stick to ranked mode only! we could play together in Salmon Run too! "

Nero: " Ohh hahah.. wait, 'we' you said? "

Toni: " Yeah.. me and Guri want to create a team.. and.. would you want to join? "

Nero: " Hmm, I'll give some thought about it.. ranked still does not pique my interest. sorry.. "

Toni: " That's totally fine, but please do consider it.. we really need someone heh.. "

Nero: " .. I will, don't worry.. "

[in this moment, Nero doesn't seem so chaotic and loud because it is a serious topic for him]

After the next few days, Nero finally agreed to join their team with the reason that " I want to try something new, ". The story for Kusa's, it went pretty simple. The team still needs one more person to be a team. Their recruitment post is neither fancy nor has any difficult rules. However, many low ranks try to get into the team because they want to get carried. Of course, Toni declines them all. Some of the S and S+ ranks also trying to get into the team but, they're ended up ghosting them, some are already in another team.. etc. Toni, Gurita, and Nero feel so devastated and they're about to give up but at last, a squid comes to them when they're on lunch and says " Are you guys still open a member? " They are shocked hearing that and a smile drawing on each of them.

Toni: " Oh yes! you're so very right!! "

Gurita: " How can we help you? "

Kusa: " I want to join your team. "

Toni: " Oh? sure, but let us finish our lunch and then take a look at your fa post, alright? "

Kusa: " Oka- "

Gurita: " Ah, have you got lunch yet? "

Kusa: " Nope "

Gurita: " Great, let's join us and maybe discuss your FA post too "

Kusa: " I.. "

Nero: " Yeah yeah! come here and sit with us! "

Toni: " Hahah, yeah come here. "

Kusa sits beside Nero*

Toni: " Alright, here's the menu, tell me what you want "

Kusa: " Uh.. I'll just have a drink.. "

Toni: " What noo, please, be my guest. "

Kusa: " .. one Crusty Seanwich please,  "

the waiter finished their job*

note: Nero seems quieter because he's hungry and impatient for the food

Toni: " Alright, did you have your FA post right now? "

Kusa: " Yeah it's right here, " he passed the resume paper*

Name: Sushaki Kusaki

Rank: X

Age: 17

Role: Skirmisher

Weapons: Any Duallies, learning Splatanas too

Toni: " (wait, X rank? Why does he want to join-) "

Gurita: " Whoa, are you sure you don't pick the wrong team? "

Kusa: " ? "

Gurita: " I'm sorry, I mean.. we don't have any rules for the recruiter.. but.. "

Toni: " R-right.. but anyway, if you really want to join us then, could you do tryouts after this lunch? "

Kusa: " Oh yeah, I actually planned to, "

Toni: " Great! "

The food arrives*

Toni: " Alright, please enjoy the food! "


Gurita: " Have a nice meal. "

Toni: smiles* " Go ahead, dig it up! "

Kusa: " Thank you, "

They eat scrumptious food after that.

In Kusa's tryout, they're fighting against strangers in Anarchy Battles. Kusa flawlessly carries the team and sweeps the opponent. Jaw dropped for Toni and Gurita while Nero kept saying how cool is Kusa with his sparkling eyes. 

1 day later...

Toni: " Alright... Kusa, after seeing you play with us in Anarchy Open yesterday.. you're passed. "

Kusa: :) smiles

Toni: " But, I have one question. "

Kusa: " .. What is it? "

Toni: " You're an X rank right? Why do you want to get on this team? And do you think your skill can lead our team forward too? "

Kusa: " .... I get rejected by a lot of teams. "

Toni: " Hm? Why is that? "

Kusa: " .... "

Gurita: " ... I see, that's okay. Thank you, Toni let's just not rush him okay. "

Toni: " .. Okay, Anyway Kusa, the next scrim is tomorrow, I hope you showed up. You should show up though! "

Kusa: " Yes, I'm aware. "

Toni: " Okay! see you tomorrow! "

Gurita: " Take care! "

Kusa: waves his hand* 

This is the recruitment poster in front of Toni's shop