1- Unforgettable Past


The following story is fictional and only for entertainment purposes. All characters seen in the story are either purely fan made (Original Characters) or from the game itself, Splatoon. Others are just extras that to some might find familiar, but these are purely coincidential. 


An inkling named Hoshi just finished doing a warm-up before doing an Anarchy Battle. She grabs a can of drink from a vending machine in the lobby. While drinking it, Hoshi notices some people are busy preparing something. There are two teams in front of her right now discussing something, turns out they're about to do a scrimmage. While Hoshi watching them, someone suddenly walked towards Hoshi. "excuse me.." one of them asked. Hoshi looked at them. "I uh, can you please subs for us?" Hoshi just stared at them, trying to process the information. "ahh it's uh.. I see u were playing in Stardust (old team name) team right? And I was fighting your team back then. you guys were impressive..." Still no answer. ".. our team captain can't attend this one today.."


"... Okay, so, could you please... you're the only person here that's available please.." they begged so badly, but the other octoling of that team stepped in. "hey no need to force them. I'm sorry about his attitude. let's go." Then before they went, she got up (she was sitting down) and said "Sure, I could (subs in)." they 3 turned around, and the inkling who begged smiled so brightly and the other two were smiling. "Alright, let's go." one of them saying(the octoling).

after the scrimmage ended, the team thanked her. and somehow they're all considering taking her to their team.

Nero: " Hey, did u see that? "

Kusa: " Hm? "

Nero: " She were amazing "

Kusa: " Yeah, I almost died on that choke, "

Nero: " Nono I mean the person that we asked to subs in, "

Kusa: " Oh, yeah she was. though, she don't talk a lot but she could understand our plan very well, "

Nero: " I know right? how about we invite her to join us? "

Kusa & Gurita: " ?? "

Nero: y'know!! so if one of us is absent like the captain today (ugh) we have a spare player! "

Gurita: " That's not a bad idea, but do you think the captain would accept her? "

Nero: " Don't worry I'll convince him >;) "

- at their base

Nero: " Yooo cap' n!! "

Toni: " I'm not that old man stop calling me that, "

Nero: " Hehe haha why not? "

Kusa: " So uh how's your stuff? what is it again? "

Toni: " Oh my little business? heh, it doing good thanks. "

Nero: " Sweet. and Guri wants to tell you something "

Gurita: " What?? no, it's not me. "

Toni: " Okay, what is it? "

Nero: " Well uhm.. do we open new recruitment? :3 "

Toni: " ..? no? "

Nero: " Oh come on, don't you ever think that we need one? "

Toni: " What do you mean? "


Toni: "..??? so what, "

Kusa: " So, we need a spare player you know, "

Nero: " Yeah so if YOU don't attend scrim again, we still can play rather than canceling it."

Toni: " sweats* Ohh hahaha sure. "

Nero: " ?! ARE YOU SURE? "

Toni: " I mean sure go for it. "




First team flashback:

My name is Hoshi, I was a support player in a team. We are currently undived but we scrims a lot towards div 8 till div 7 team. Though, I don't think I am in that level of division yet, I am probably on div 9, the lowest on the team. sometimes I feel like I'm weighing my team with my low skill, but even so, I always trying my best.

I don't know if it's because of me joining the team or something else but, we've never had a win before. even if we did, it's because we're facing a lower div or just a bunch of people who didn't play the game competitively.

Our captain was rushed to join a tournament. I still think we lacked time to play together since we were busy with our activities. We all are excited about our captain.

When I was in the tournament, I was so nervous. we fought so hard but we lost every single match. at that time, I kept asking myself "What did I do wrong?" but it seems, we're all wrong. we are not working together as a team, we're playing as solo players in a team. our captain was in despair and decided to not take any scrimmage and not so long after that, he announced that he wanted to disband the team. he said "It's a hurt truth I'm sorry guys, but we don't work out." I was there, listening to my captain's words, in shock. I wanted to tell my team to not give up just yet but it was already too late.

We disbanded.