4- Good dream

The battle begins, both teams start with painting the base and running towards the middle of the map. Before claiming the zone, they rushed the enemy first. Hoshi's team got an advantage because one of the enemies was down. Kusa then, continues to win a fight of 1v1 and the enemy got 2 downs. It's their chance to take the zone. After a while, the enemy had the chance to fight back but it was too late because they got blocked out and can't win the fight. It ends with Hoshi's team winning with a Knock out.

After many matches, the tryouts turn out great, they're having fun and forgetting it's a tryout. They get along quickly. Hoshi honestly feels great but she has a little doubt that she wouldn't get accepted. In logic, since Hoshi was invited she has more probability of getting accepted than not getting accepted. But, who knows? Maybe they'll change their mind about requiring a new member.

Gurita notices Hoshi is spacing out so he offers a break time.

Gurita: " Guys, let's take a break. We've fought a lot already. "

Toni: " Right! Perfect timing, I just finished cooking these delicacies! Eat it up! "

Nero: " WOAH THANK YOU TONI!" big smiles*

Kusa: " Thank you, Toni, "

Gurita: " Hoshi, go ahead take it. "

Hoshi: " Oh? Thanks! "

As everyone devours a meal that he made, he can't help but smile. Everyone seems enjoying the meal.

After a meal, they do another Anarchy Battle for 2 rounds and they decide to stop for today.

Gurita: " Alright, great job everyone! Let's come back tomorrow again! "

Hoshi: " Eh..? "

Nero: " YEAH!! Hey Captain, I request the same meal for tomorrow ;) "

Toni: " No uh, the meal is limited only for today, tomorrow isn't free, "

Nero: "Ugh, stingy. "

Toni: " Hahah, "

Hoshi: " .. Excuse me? Do u guys want to.. review my matches? I.. "

Toni: " .. right. I forgot. We were having too much fun playing with you Hoshi! " giggle*

Kusa: " I'll look at it don't worry, you could wait till tomorrow. "

Hoshi: " Ah thank you! And thank you again for everything! it was fun, cya! "

Gurita: " See ya, take care on the road! "


Hoshi: " I will!! "

Everyone goes to their houses and takes a rest. But not for Kusa, he still has to preview today's matches to decide whether will Hoshi enter their team or not.


A new day has arrived, and Gurita pinging everyone in their group chat.

Nero added Hoshi (this is yesterday after they finished try out)

Gurita: Wake up guys!! Another day another exercise!

Toni: Waa~ you're so early Guri!

Gurita: Of course! I'm curious about how Kusa doing.

Kusa: I'll talk about it later, I'll go there early

Gurita: Great! Then I'll go too

Toni: @Nero

Toni: Ofc he hasn't woken up yet.

Gurita: Could you please go into his house and wake him up?

Toni: Yeah that's my plan.

Gurita and Kusa are on the way into the lobby while Toni is just about to go to Nero's house.

*gentle knock

Toni: " Nerooo "

no answer.

*a normal knock

Toni: " Nero it's me, Toni "

no answer.

*slightly knock harder

Toni: " Neroooooooo hellooo?? "

no answer.

Toni: " Huh.. that's new.. is he okay? "

When Toni is about to knock again, Nero opens the door with a tired look.

Nero: " Hi Toni.... "

Toni: " Oh my, you look awful.. are you sick? "

Nero: "No.."

Toni: " Are you sure? let's get checked out at a hospi- "

Nero: " I want your (meal name) again. please.. "

Toni: "... (^^)"



Nero: " Now that's why you're the best captain ahahaha!! "

Toni: " :'))) "


Kusa: " Look at this " shows the preview of yesterday's matches*

Gurita: " Hmm? Did she just, paint that sponge to get points for specials? "

Kusa: " I know right? Also please look at this one too "

Gurita: " ?? I don't understand. "

Kusa: " Look at it again very carefully, especially her eyes, "

Gurita: " !! She's so fast! Her reflexes are so quick! "

Kusa: " And this, this one when we have a tower control mode. "

Gurita: " Hmm, is it the cooler placement? "

Kusa: " Yeah, she purposely threw it at the tower road and told us to take it fast so it could get destroyed and she could get a new one without waiting for the cool down. "

Gurita: " Woah.. "

Kusa: " So.. "

Gurita and Kusa: " I've decided. "

Later, Toni and Nero came and got to see the preview.

Toni: " Woah, that's amazing. "

Nero: " I didn't know that was possible.. "

Toni: " So.. what do you guys think? "

All of them stare at each other. And they decided to take Hoshi into their team. They also tell Hoshi to come into the lobby to know if is she going to pass or not. A few minutes later, Hoshi arrived and got greeted by everyone. 

Toni: " Hoshi, about the tryouts yesterday.. "

Hoshi: *nervous gulp

Toni: " We decided to.. "

Hoshi: nervous look*


The rest are celebrating and congratulating her. She's still shocked and confused, she still trying to process the information she just got.

Toni: " Alright alright, enough everyone. Hoshi, I don't know if u also recruiting anywhere so, I said you're invited not accepted, you have a choice to get something you want :) "

Hoshi: " .. Then, I want to join this team. "

Nero: " WOOHOO LET'S GO!! "

Gurita: " Welcome to the team Hoshi! "

Hoshi: " Thank you guys, I'll do my best from now on! Thank you for the opportunity!! "

Toni: " No need to be so formal, just treat us as your buddy, "

Hoshi: " Ah!! okay!! sorry! "

Toni: " giggle* what are you apologizing for? anyway let's go, I prepare something for you guys! "


Toni: " Oh right, if any of you wants to take an extra just tell me! "


Toni: "(^^)"