2- An Invite

Hoshi notices her phone is vibrating, there's a notification that someone trying to follow her on Splatmedia (Splatoon universe's social media). That someone called 'Nero'. When she sees the profile, she immediately knows that this 'someone' is a person who played together with her a few days ago. She didn't think about anything and then she followed him back. A few minutes later, a notification popped up from her phone again. It's a chat from Nero.

Direct Message - DM 

Nero: Sup bud, how's life?

Hoshi: Great ty, wbu

Nero: Very cool! actually, I've been wanting to discuss some matter with you,,

Hoshi: ? What kind of matter?

Nero: Well.. I think it's best you come here, it's difficult to explain it over text lol

Hoshi going to answer the message but she sees another notification popping up that someone named 'Gurita' is following her account, at the same time, a message from Gurita appears.

Gurita: So uh, you probably already know from Nero, but I could explain it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, so we're planning to invite you to our team. Our team captain sometimes cannot attend scrims and it troubles us.. quite a lot.. so, if you're interested, please do chat with me, I'll happily welcome you. Thank you.

Hoshi read that message over and over again to make sure she did not misread it. She can't believe someone—a team actually, is interested in recruiting her. With a nervous smile on her face, she replied

Hoshi: Sure. Where should I meet you guys? And what time?

Gurita: Are you free tomorrow?

Hoshi: Yeah

Gurita: Great, then let's meet tomorrow at 9 am in front of Sheldon's.

Hoshi: Sounds great.

while on Nero's chat:

Nero: hoiii??

Nero: Where did u goooo

Nero: don't goooo we need youuuu

Nero: nooooooo

Nero: :(((((((

Hoshi: Sorry, didn't mean to do that, I'll come there tomorrow

Nero: ?!! REALLY??

Hoshi: yes


Nero: Oh yeah I'm Nero btw we're gonna be awesome teammates >:D

Hoshi: Ah yes, nice to meet you Nero, I'm Hoshi

Nero: Cool Hoshi! see ya tomorrow!

Hoshi: Yup, cyaa

--- The next day.

Hoshi arrived at Sheldon's 30 minutes earlier than planned. For her, first impressions are very important, even though technically this isn't the first time they met but Hoshi still wants to be polite and respectful.

10 minutes later, Nero appears.

Nero: " Oh?! Hoshiii!! " Nero waves his hand

Hoshi waves back and smiles.

Nero: " You're so early!! let's wait for a bit till everyone got here, "

Hoshi: " Yeah. "

15 minutes later, Gurita and Kusaki are come.

Kusa: " Where's Toni? "

Gurita: " Ugh, he's still in his room isn't he? "

Nero: " Maaaannn even I got here first after Hoshi, "

Gurita: " Whoa Hoshi you're so early! "

Hoshi: " Hehe, not really.. "

Gurita: " Well, let's just come inside, Nero broke his hydra so we'll get a new one, come on. "

Hoshi: " Oh alright, "

They entered Sheldon's shop together. Hoshi still wondering how a hydra, a weighty weapon can be broken.. after a while, they finished and were about to go to the lobby. and there they found their team captain. Hoshi is behind all of them so she didn't know yet.

Nero: "Cap' n! You're late booo "

Kusa: " What are you doing here? "

Gurita: " Did you know what time is it now?? "

Toni: " Can you guys stop bullying me, I'm a busy octo you know?? "

Gurita: " Busy ass shut up. "

Toni: " Guri don't be mad "

Gurita: " Blah blah, anyway you should apologize to our guest Hoshi, you should take off your title as a captain booooo "


Kusa: " Boohoo "

Toni: " Gosh you guys.. "

Hoshi takes a little peek from Gurita's back. Toni notices a new face and immediately greets her.

Toni: " Oh hi there! "

A sudden flashback came for Hoshi since her ex-captain looked very similar to Toni. Hoshi slowly backs up. Toni looks confused but still tries to be friendly.

Nero: " Look, you're even scaring her. You're the worst. " 

Toni: " Hey come on.. "

Gurita notices Hoshi hiding so he tried to comfort her.

Gurita: " Ah I see.. Hoshi, it's alright. I promise he's a nice person don't worry. "

Hoshi realized her attitude and immediately apologizes for being impolite.

Hoshi: "I'm sorry.. didn't mean to.. I uh.. I'm sorry.."

Toni: ".. it's alright, I'm sorry for scaring you. I heard from my boys that you were subbing for our team, thank you so much. if it's not because of you, we probably are going to cancel that scrim again haha, "

Hoshi: " .. it's.. nothing.. thanks for giving me the chance.. "

Toni: " No problem! and I'm sure we're gonna have lots of chances to play together now! "

Hoshi: " Eh? you guys aren't gonna do try out for me? "

All of them: " ... "

Kusa: " .. right.. we forgot about that.. "

Toni: " Ahahaha whoops! Well, in that case, let's play together 2 vs 3 as your tryout. "


Toni: " Alright, then who's with me? "

Gurita: " Not me "

Kusa: " Not me "

Toni: " Ughhhhh fine, Kusa you're with me. "

Kusa: " Why me.. "

Toni: " I need the assistance of an X rank. "

Gurita: " Well then, I guess I'm on Nero and Hoshi's side. "

Toni: " Alright! let's head off to lobby!! '

All of them: " Yeah! "