5- Welcome to the team

After they finished eating.

Gurita: " We have a scrim in 3 days so today's schedule is another exercise. "

Toni: " Yeah, good luck guys! "

Gurita: " No, Toni it's your turn to play together especially since we have Hoshi now. "

Toni: " Ah.. right *troubled look "

Kusa: " Then, who's on the bench now? "

Gurita: " Me. "

Toni: " WHAT?? NOT FAIR.. "

Gurita: " Oh shut up, anyway Hoshi, this would be your first time officially playing with others so, take your time to get along with their playstyle too :) "

Hoshi: " Okay.. thanks, "

Another practice means they'll fight in Anarchy Battle again. The mode is Rainmaker. In the first match, they lost because Hoshi rushed the Rainmaker without killing the enemy first and ended up making the enemy come back. In the second one, they hardly won because Hoshi brought the Rainmaker into the wrong spot and delayed the other actions. The third one is the last one, they got wiped out quickly and the enemy won flawlessly.

Hoshi: " Aegrhhhh... "

Kusa: " ..Ugh "

Nero: " ARG "

Toni: " Okay okay, take a rest guys. "

Gurita: " What's wrong? "

Then, Toni gets close to Gurita and informs him about how the 3 matches doing.

Toni: " Gurii, maybe she's still so unfamiliar with everything, could you please subs in? "

Gurita: " Hmm? you mean.. "

Toni: " Yeah, I know you know what I mean. "

Gurita: " Alright. "

Gurita comes closer to Hoshi and calms the team down.

Gurita: " It's alright guys, And uh. Nero? "

Nero: " Hm? "

Gurita: " Can we switch? "

Nero: " Eh?? why? "

Gurita: " Perhaps, she would feel better if I'm around. "

Hoshi: " ?! "

Nero: " Oo alright, yeah I think I want to chill for a bit. "

Hoshi: " Oh.. Sorry guys.. "

Gurita: " Hmm? Don't apologize, we're all here to help you :) "

Hoshi: " I.. I'll do my best to not cause you guys trouble.. "

Toni: " HAHAHHAHA Hoshii, no no it's alright! We're all here to help each other and improve together! "

Nero: " YEAH IT'S ALRIGHT!! even I still cause problems HAHAHA "

Kusa: " Yeah, believe me, you're better than Nero when he is messing out, "

Nero: " HEY!!! "

Kusa: *giggle

After resting for a while, they decided to practice again. But this time, the one that takes the Rainmaker is Gurita. Hoshi's role is to support the team by painting the turf ahead of the rainmaker and taking out many tacticoolers. The first match was successful, they even managed to knock out the enemy. The second match was a bit hard, they almost got it in the early games but the enemy could make a comeback, so they ended up defending their checkpoint. Fortunately, even though the enemy team could make a comeback, they're still not on the lead. So the match ended with a win. The last one is quite overwhelming since both teams are very aggressive. Like the second match, the team reached halfway through the second/last checkpoint but Gurita got splatted and so did the others. The enemy team got the chance to fight back, and they even took the lead. After so many attempts to take the Rainmaker back, even to reset it, the team finally managed to take the lead and won in overtime.

Gurita: " Ggs guys! Let's wrap up today's matches! "


Toni: " Hehe, alright before you guys go back to your own home, what if we have dinner first? "

Nero: " I would gladly accept! "

Gurita: " Yeah sure, we should gift ourselves after practicing anyway, "

Toni: " Okay! Are you guys okay with Robo ROM-en? I heard their ramen is good! "

Nero: " YES PLEASE! "

Gurita: " I haven't tried it yet, so I guess I'm intrigued. "

Kusa: " Yeah sure, "

Hoshi:  " ... " spacing out*

Toni: " Hoshi, what about you? "

Hoshi: " Ah um.. sure.. "

Gurita: " What's wrong? "

Hoshi: "N-no! Nothing.. please don't worry about me, "

Toni: " If you have something in mind, feel free to say it to us! "

Nero: " YEAH! Keeping your burdens alone isn't cool! "

Hoshi: " Y-yeah! Don't worry, I'm fine, "

Toni: " Alright then! Let's go! " 

--- At Robo ROM-en

Such an amazing sight, the robots are serving the food not to mention that the smell is mouthwatering.

Nero: " drools* woah... "

Toni: " Go ahead, guys! Order everything you like! "

Gurita: " Yeah, Toni's treat don't worry, "

Toni: " .. y-YEAH!! Go ahead, guys! Feel free to order extra too! "

Nero: " You're so generous Toni! So cool! "

Toni: " Haha.. ha.. " little sigh*

Kusa: " I'll have a simple order please, "

Hoshi: " Yeah, same here, "

Toni: " Hmm? Are you sure you don't want to try this one? " points at the most 'unique' menu*

Kusa: " No it's fine, a simple dish will do. "

Gurita: " My, so well-mannered huh? Anyway, I want this one, " *points at a normal but fancier menu than Kusa and Hoshi's.

Toni: " Great! how about you Nero? "

Nero: evil laugh* " I want THIS! " points at that one 'unique' menu—it's expensive.

Toni: " .. Okay! Then, I'll order something like.. Guri-san's.. "