
Reach a Surviving state

Maintain a 98 degree body temp with food and water and shelter. In order to be effective in an economy, we need more than bare necessities, but not much more. This information is catered to people who are stabilizing financially. Its important that are: safe, clean and functional before you start moving forward in order to build a legacy and a dream life for yourselves. Without ALL these things, you are not optimal for society. Cen$e is designed to automate this list around your goals, hobbies, and interests. Like a mom or a personal assistant, even a secretary and it needs your support.

1. Income

Without money, you can't buy anything. Duh! Not rent, not food, not even a bus ride. So, here is 2 free cents. Think about which of the following is most appropriate and lets get you rolling in the dough.

  • Need a Job?

  • Want to start a business?

  • Looking for a meaningful career?

It all depends on how stable you are now. If you live with your parents and don't have to worry about food or shelter then your options are wide open (Go to college, Start a business or get a job), if you are homeless and need income today, a day labor service is a great place to start. If you're looking to start a business then I would assume you have already maximized the survival stage and should consider moving on to the next step which is protecting your assets before you start opening your life up to the economy. Cen$e partners with everything from staffing companies to colleges to automate having an income centered around the ideals and challenges of the user. With so many ways to generate an income, there is something everyone can do today they enjoy.

The user is given a score based on goal setting bucket lists that monitors the cost and demands required to achieve a goal. For example if you want to be a nurse or a pro football player, the app would lay out the most appropriate approach based on your life in real time and helps you get started right away. You must start something new if you expect something new.


2000 calories a day could be a lot, but it for sure insures that you won't be hungry for the day. Sometimes we don't get to have the things we want and have to settle until we get to where we wanna be. If you are homeless, then fortunately there is lots of help. I'm both proud and ashamed to say that America wastes 50% of the worlds foods supply and even the poorest of the poor aren't going without food. From food banks to panhandling, homeless shelters and even hospitals, if you are in desperate need for a meal, it won't be hard to find. For the young adult just out of school, ex prisoner, struggling single mother, seniors on a fixed budget and everything in between, America is very good about subsidizing you to help you get on your feet. Food stamps are available to you and anyone who makes below the poverty line. For people with children, this is almost always a sure thing if you make less than $10/hour in most states. The most awesome fact of all, Water is practically free anywhere. The single mandatory I would encourage everyone to do, even the homeless, is try to get a Multivitamin in your diet. Especially if your diet is poor. Food and nutrients aren't always perfectly correlated. A $1 Mc-double has very little protein, lots of carbs and lots of saturated fat. This constitutes for macro nutrients, but are what's called empty calories, you get mostly fat and sugar from this and its nothing more then giving a cup of coffee to a person who has been going nonstop for 48 hours. This kind of diet will have you sluggish and stuck in neutral and will sap your energy, Lobito and your health ultimately leading to things like high blood pressure and diabetes. Incorporating a vitamin into this diet since this is all we can afford at least helps offset the lack of vitamins and minerals allowing your body to still function in a competitive and functional state of mind.

Click here to get a glimpse at the best approach to dieting and do your best to stay within your allotted intake requirement.

Cen$e links to your favorite health app such as google, Samsung or apple and encourages the company to expand capabilities so you the user can be more in tune with your health. You are given a score based on your personal health goals.


Ironically most companies won't hire a person who doesn't have an address, so you can't even get a job if you don't have a place to live. Most young adults live with there parents, however several parents seem to think that putting there kids out at 18 is a good idea. WRONG . If you can't afford a place, stay home. If you are homeless, the only good advise is to get to a homeless shelter and immediately reach out to a staffing company to get a job. The homeless shelter can be as temporary as 1 day and if we can get creative and position ourselves for success, day labor services offer same day pay. Some hotels offer single night cash stays. A dedicated mind can accomplish anything but if you don't have the resources or know they exist, how can you? The government offers section 8 housing and other subsidized housing programs as well if you are a senior on a fixed income or have children. If you already have a good job and need a place, the right apartment exists for you.

Housing is unfortunately a human circumstance that's never going to go away. Cen$e is designed to reduce the demand of the cost of living sector on our economy by flooding housing all over the world, creating self sustained food towers and reducing the carbon footprint through more optimal and creative initiatives which act as a primary factor in Cen$e's overall score based on user activity and global carbon footprint objectives.


The humans ability to communicate is the only reason we even have an economy today. Without a form of communication, we'd probably die very young as a species. This is why its so important in today's economy to have some form of a modern communication device. I highly recommend the 1st investment after we stabilize is an unlimited, talk, text, and data plan that allows you to take full advantage of the internet for filling out applications, checking bus schedules, business hours, making and receiving calls and literally thousands of other benefits you have no access to without a decent form of communication. I've seen prepay and monthly plans as low as $20 but most of the unlimited programs start at around $25-$40/month. Better service providers usually cost between $45-$70/month. The more lines you have the more you save, but at this point the key is to be actively attached to the economy so if $20 prepay is all we can afford, lets get started because with the right discipline, it will only be temporary anyway.

Anyone willing to donate a cell phone for people who can't afford 1, click this link, and help to prosper another persons future. Today we can get Entry lvl. Smart phones for as low as $20 or feel free to donate your old one. Cen$e fixes phones and donates them to homeless people to get there life on track (click here for shipping information).

Cen$e partners with your favorite Service providers to find the best product to meet your needs. This gets budgeted into your account and automatically managed by your assistant what ever your choose to call it.


Creating an online business from home can eliminate this cost, but requires a little entrepreneur spirit and lots of education. Like anything, the online economy is very competitive and you will require a competitive advantage in order to thrive in the markets. This means you may be forced to transition into the physical economy and we can't work it without the ability to transport back and forth (unless you get a work from home career which is still a great option for people who are qualified). Simple but we need some means of transportation to get back and forth to work. These resources, though slim are still available. In order to maximize this perk you may need to live in a large city with a sophisticated transit system. Fortunately these major cities also have an influx of hiring demands and getting a job is pretty easy. We can also see if a vehicle is appropriate for your budget considering its value as a means of transportation. Lyft and Uber are great options as well but can be pricey.

Cen$e centralizes this market also so we can find the solution that helps fit your needs and budget.

Welfare Programs

No matter the situation, a great place to start is your local human resource office, Which would be a direct partner of the Cen$e platform.

Public School: Day care and education for free to your children means time to work and make money to invest so your money can start working for you. Automatically

Day Care Services: If your kids are of age under 5, you may qualify for subsidized day care programs so you can work while someone watches and protects your baby. Because these services are often free, the quality of the day care is usually ranked 1 or 2 stars out of 3, which really implies a lack of education and structure or school size but they will still watch your children for free and like everything else, this is temporary so we can work and start working our money so it works for us. Automatically.

Food Stamps (AMAZON SNAP): This program is simple. The government subsidizing the underclass insuring people have the energy required to work. When people work, they pay taxes and they get there money back in the form of investments and fees. This is automated... Once data is synced, a social security # is on file, income is attained and Cen$e has a direct connection to governing data through consumer regulated protocol, resources & benefits kick in automatically if there is a checking account on file. Cen$e hopes to partner with Bank of America and/or Cash App to get a checking account into everyone's hands.

Family First: This program is very similar to Snap except its a monetary allowance toward water, electricity and a cell phone plan. Automated.

Trains and Buses: Public transportation is often very cost effective. Most ex prisoners, young adults and people who make under a certain dollar amount can catch the bus for as little as $0.33.

Cen$e syncs a city transportation network and finds the next available times near the stops closest to you. This would also, provide a cab hauling service and flights along with emergancy assistance. Cen$e tries to leave no stone unturned.

Subsidized housing: Section 8 and income based housing is available all over major cities but often fill up quick because everyone is looking for a good deal. Get a list of the income based housing in your area and add your name to the waiting lists immediately. Smaller cities have no shortage of income based housing either, so do your homework and find something that meets your needs. Cense Automates this Process as well.

Once all of these things are obtained then you are functional in our society and ready to start protecting yourself from adverse risk