The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
A lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
Be Your Own Person
Formulate your own thought.
The Soul is found through experiences. This is only done through fearlessness and Curiosity. A human that doesn't think for its self, or has no values, morals or standards is nothing more than a sheep. A life time sheep that will never do anything other than follow the leader. In some way shape or form, we are all sheep. But a weak sheep will follow even a wolf. The solution is to experience the world. Travel, try different sports, foods, cultures, read, watch movies, documentaries and stand up comedy's. The greatest gift in life is life itself. To be able to live as a free spirit and find your value to the planet as a whole is the best gift you can give to anyone. Try answering the following questions and understand yourself a little more.
Book Recommendation: Start With Why
Simon Sinek seems to be really interested in the productivity of millennials and i don't blame him. The Purpose of the Project is to stabilize the people who have been taken advantage of for ever and no matter the story, it always starts with Why... MUST READ BOOK!
What makes your depressed? Why?
What motivates you to work hard? Why?
What attracts your attention. Why?
What do you want out of life? Why?
Are you stubborn? why?
What character traits do you value most? Why?
What animal would you say you are most like? Why?
What animal would you like to be more like? Why?
Who are your biggest role models? Why?
Ask yourself:
Who do I live for and care about? Why?
What do I want out of life, What do I enjoy, what value do I have to the planet & what am I good at? Why to each.
Where do I see myself on the path im on and where do I want to be. Why?
When did/will I start taking my life seriously? Why?
why am I doing the things I do?
What purpose will make me happy and at peace with myself? Why
How do I get where I want to be, & how do I feel about my answers? Why?
Continue to contemplate these questions and always be asking yourself tough questions. but understand that its all to figure out your WHY? Why is the reason you get out of bed even when you are sick, tired, stressed, discouraged, and feeling like your back is against the wall and you have hit rock bottom. A smart mind and a great body that knows its why, is a FORCE. a constant, that can only be stopped by death. Purchase this book today and start your path toward your true self. Why? Because its just plan worth it.
Challenge Yourself
Growth is on the other side of fear which is a cursed word in my life. Try new things that bring you out of your comfort zone. Don't Be afraid to take a little risk. Living in a box to afraid to even peak out is not living to me.
There is good music in every genre just as there is alot of bad music, finding that is a lot of fun. different foods, dancing styles story telling and other activities give you endless possibilities to explore. Almost everything in our country today has some sort of a trial membership. Never turn your noise up because education could be right in our faces.
Self Honesty
Self Honesty is the starting line to your race in life. Being honest with yourself helps you realize that you are only racing against your own shadow. To be able to know who you want to be is the perfect tool of accountability. Are you really being your best self? Who are you really? What can you do better? Are you just being hard on yourself? If so, maybe you need to re-evaluate your goals. No matter what path you decide to choose in life, the key to making it happen is to be honest with yourself and adapting to the truth.
Need Incite?
Some things are just too detailed to read. The plot twists, the story lines, the dynamics are all foundational pieces to something bigger then we could ever imagine. The Channel Cen$e will make you laugh, cry and hopefully engage in deep thought as we hangout and explore story's of life in the new age of technology and evolution we live in today.