
Shower or Bath

Doesn't matter unless you're really dirty or don't bathe often. sitting in your dirt isn't ideal, especially if you haven't exfoliated your skin and you sit for extended periods of time. i find that when i dry off even after a shower i still have dead skin and its a good idea to scrub and rinse this off. but if you bath regularly or don't mind standing up for a quick rinse off with a shower afterwards, bathing is one of the most relaxing experiences we've created as humans.

Regardless which one you choose, i like to automate my cleaning experience because 9 times out of 10 im in a rush and need to save the glass of wine and bubble bath for special occasions. check out my Shower automation process that leaves you clean and healthy in a cost effective and speedy way.

My Materials

mesh loffah's are my favorite. They are easy to clean, don't hold dirt, lathers soap really well and actually give your body a light scrub. $2 for a tool you basically replace at your own preference means money well spent.

Even Amazon and its users agree, bigger is better and soap w/pump action makes showering fast and easy. any soap will work fine, but i am especially fond of anything that has a pump. 2-4 squirts into your loofah and you are a clean mamma-jamma' with little to no waste. like a specific soap, then just get a simple table dispenser or install one. just remember time is precious so be efficient anyway you choose.

I am a naturally oily person. meaning when i clean my hair, i want everything in it out of it and to allow my body to reproduce the natural oils it wants. because of this i usually go with a moisturizing shampoo that helps my hair become full and shine. I don't condition because i like for my diet to reflect in my hair and i have a Must do that will have your hair looking better then ever. 2 in ones are probably a best practice for most men and i won't even get into womens hair... go see a specialist women.