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Many of us across industrialised societies belong to a wide range of digital communities. It is indeed difficult to think of any social practice that we cannot accomplish online. From the comfort of our pockets, we engage in sharing snippets of our lives, we can access as much information as we need, we can purchase anything we can think of and we can even share intimacies with people we hardly know. It is through our socio-discursive online practices that we maintain these digital communities. However, what happens when the discourses we interact with in these digital ecosystems, sometimes dishonest and deceitful, generate beliefs and ideologies that we take with us to our offline social practices? What happens when these discourses pose challenges to core values of social systems as we know them today? These are some of the questions the CEIVINDICO network of UNA Europa early career researchers seeks to elluciate.

Fuelled by our multidisciplinary, multilingual and multicultural backgrounds, we are committed to fostering discussion around the socio-discursive dynamics of digital communities that are casting doubt on principles interwoven in the EU’s cohesive whole: gender equality, LGBTQI+, an inclusive EU citizenship and climate change. We aim to operationalise these specific objectives through three avenues: a kick-off online workshop open to anyone with similar interests, an international conference around the aforementioned themes and the compilation of studies in open access format. These activities will foster inter-campus synergies to continue examining these challenges of our current and future times.

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UNA Europa