Welcome to the CEIVINDICO research group website!

By browsing the site, you'll be able to gather some information about us as a research group and some of the activities we are currently developing (online workshop and conference).

This network is integrated by four early career researchers at different European universities within the UNA Europa initiative and a wider group of external advisors at various universities in Europe and the US.

In short, we are interested in the connection between digital communities (across a plethora of online platforms, such as forums, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp) and discourses that challenge some foundational values of the EU. We aim to examine these complex issues taking a socio-discursive approach to the understanding of digital communities, especially in cases where the EU values are at stake. As part of our global mission and objectives, we seek:

1) to explore the role of digital communities in the creation, reproduction and perpetuation of social discourses that pose challenges to core European values and identities, with an emphasis on gender equality, LGBTQI+ rights, an inclusive EU citizenship and climate change,

2) to investigate the impact of online multimodal discourse and communication within digital communities as the fabric of many of the challenges faced by the EU these days,

3) to examine how digital communities and digital communication foster individual and social alienation in the digital age, prompted by the ecosystems created in online contexts that frequently rely on misinformation, fake news or unchecked facts.
