Call for Papers

Call for Papers


Challenges to European Identities and Values in Digital Communities

The CEIVINDICO research group, funded through the European network of universities UNA Europa, is pleased to announce the 1st CEIVINDICO International Conference, which will be taking place in online format on the
12th – 13thof May, 2022.

We envisage this conference as a rather casual encounter that aims to foster discussion around two central topics: (1) digital communities and four social phenomena at the kernel of the European Union these days:

(a) gender equality,

(b) LGBTQI+ rights,

(c) an inclusive EU citizenship that confronts populisms, and

(d) climate change and sustainability

Aligned with our global mission, we are looking for submissions that fall within the following general objectives:

1) explorations of the role of digital communities in the creation, reproduction and perpetuation of social discourses that pose challenges to core European values and identities, with an emphasis on gender equality, LGBTQI+ rights, an inclusive EU citizenship and climate change,

2) research around the impact of online multimodal discourse and communication within digital communities as the fabric of many of the challenges faced by the EU these days,

3) examinations of how digital communities and digital communication foster individual and social alienation in the digital age, prompted by the ecosystems created in online contexts that frequently rely on misinformation, fake news or unchecked facts.

We particularly welcome early career researchers to submit their proposals. In the attempt to encourage closer exchanges of knowledge, the final amount of accepted proposals will not exceed 30. Additionally, and thanks to the funding we have allocated for this, we will be selecting a number of papers to create a cohesive, open access, special issue linked to the central issues in the conference.


Proposals for presentations should be submitted in the form of an abstract (500 words max., including references). Presentations (either online or face-to-face) will last around 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions and feedback.

Although the working language of the conference will be English, we are keen on receiving proposals that explore digital communities that operate in different languages, especially those used in the European Union (with an emphasis on Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Finnish, Polish and Russian, that is, some of the languages we are familiar with in the organizing team).

Abstracts are expected to outline the main research question(s) and hypotheses, as well as clear objectives, methods, data and expected results. Please make sure abstracts are fully anonymised in the body of text. Therefore, remove the author’s name from the title and/or in the references.

Proposals are expected to be sent as a PDF file to the following e-mail address:

  • In the body of your e-mail, please specify: title of the proposal, author’s name and affiliation

  • In the subject line: please mention: CEIVINDICO22_SURNAME OF PRESENTER


· 2nd May: Deadline for submissions

· 6th May: Acceptance of proposals

· 11th May: Deadline for registration

· 12-13th May: Conference dates


Alfonso Sánchez-Moya
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Satu Venäläinen
University of Helsinki

Claudia Roberta Combei
University of Pavia

Agnieszka Seweryn
Jagiellonian University

Lucia Busso

Aston University

Rusten Menard

University of Portsmouth

Belén Fernández-García

University of Málaga

Javier Fernández-López

Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive | UCM

Verónica Cruz-Alonso

Harvard University

Marcin Gajec

Jagiellonian University

Should you have further questions or comments, please e-mail us here ( . You can also follow us on Twitter (@ceivindico).