EDAthon 2022

October 15, 2022

Virtual Contest

Sponsored by Cadence; IEEE CEDA; IEEE CEDA Hong Kong Chapter

Organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong

Virtual EDAthon 2022 was held successfully on 15 October 2022 with 26 teams from universities across mainland China, Hong Kong, and United States. During the one-day competition, all participants exercised their sophisticated coding and analytical skills to solve interesting EDA problems. All the participants (26 teams, 52 participants in total) will be given souvenir and all the awardees will get their certificates in crystal frame. The six teams below were awarded for their outstanding performance.


Peking University

Students: Zizheng Guo & Yuxiang Zhao

Supervisor: Yibo Lin

Second Place

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Students: Xiaofeng Zhou & Linfeng Du

Supervisor: Wei Zhang

Second Place

City University of Hong Kong

Students: Hongchao Du & Yu Mao

Supervisor: Chun Jason Xue

Third Place

Fudan University

Students: Tongqiao Xu & Danyu Zhou

Supervisor: Xiaofeng Hou & Jiacheng Liu

Third Place

Tsinghua University

Students: Jiawen Cheng & Baiyu Chen

Supervisor: Wenjian Yu

Third Place

Zhejiang University

Students: Songyu Sun & Haoyuan Ma

Supervisor: Cheng Zhuo

EDAthon is a whole-day programming contest (9:00am-3:00pm programming + 3:30pm-4:30pm seminar) that features interesting and challenging topics in Electronic Design Automation (EDA). It is also a unique opportunity to bring together talents for EDA which enables the rapid advancement in computer technology. Due to CoVID- 19, this year we will have an online virtual contest. The contest will involve solving interesting problems in the broad context of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) of integrated circuits and systems. It will emphasize on team work, problem solving skills and programming techniques for EDA applications. It is a goal of EDAthon and CEDA HK to promote EDA in Hong Kong and her neighboring regions, and to nurture the best of the next-generation students and professionals for the EDA community.

The contest is open to two-person teams of graduate students or senior undergraduate students currently full-time enrolled in a university, specializing in EDA or related areas. In the contest, there will be five problems selected from the following areas:

      • System Design and Analysis

      • Logic and High-level Design

      • Physical Design

      • Circuit Analysis

      • Emerging Technologies, e.g., DFM, Security, Biochip, Machine Learning in EDA etc.

During the contest, students will be given the problem statements and some sample test data. The answers will be judged based on their correctness under the given constraints using hidden benchmarks. Three teams winning the contest will be rewarded with trophies and cash prizes as the follows.

  • First Prize (one team): 5000 CNY, instructor (2000 CNY)

  • Second Prize (two teams): 3000 CNY, instructor (1000 CNY)

  • Third Prize (three teams): 2000 CNY, instructor (500 CNY)


  • August 2022: Call for participation released, open for enrollment emails

  • September 2022: Registration deadline

Registration (Deadline: Sep, 2022)

Schedule and Zoom link

Join meeting room here with Zoom link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/93802560159

Go to the website: http://edathon.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/

Problem Descriptions

Problem 1: Post-Implementation Metric Estimation via Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK)

High-level synthesis (HLS) tools automate the conversion of C/C++/SystemC-based specifications to hardware description languages such as Verilog or VHDL, significantly increasing productivity in customized hardware design. HLS tool reports can convey important data such as expected performance, timing, resource usage, and composition of the synthesized register-transfer-level (RTL) design. However, the reported values are highly inaccurate. Machine learning (ML) techniques have been used to improve HLS tools in order to obtain accurate estimated results. The recent Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), arising from deep learning theory, is a specific kernel corresponding to training a linearization of a neural network. As the widths of hidden layers approach infinity, solving kernel regression with the NTK is identical to training all layers of a neural network. NTK can be efficiently computed in closed form in terms of dual activation functions when certain conditions are met. Together with the latest fast kernel regression solver EigenPro, high-quality estimations of post-implementation metrics can be obtained in a matter of seconds using only CPU.


[1] Ma, S., & Belkin, M. "Diving into the shallows: a computational perspective on large-scale shallow learning." Advances in neural information processing systems (NeurIPS), 2017.

[2] Radhakrishnan, A. "6.S088 Modern Machine Learning: Simple Methods that Work" [Lecture 5], 2022. Retrieved from https://web.mit.edu/modernml/course/

[3] Dai, S., Zhou, Y., Zhang, H., Ustun, E., Young, E. F., & Zhang, Z. "Fast and accurate estimation of quality of results in high-level synthesis with machine learning." In IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2018. (Codes : https://github.com/cornell-zhang/quickest).

[4] Huang, G., Hu, J., He, Y., Liu, J., Ma, M., Shen, Z., ... & Wang, Y. "Machine learning for electronic design automation: A survey." ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 2021.

Problem 2: Layout Hotspot Detection with Machine Learning Techniques

Constant scaling and reduction in feature sizes has made lithography more complex than ever before [1]. Even with various resolution enhancement techniques (RETs), manufacturing defects are still likely to happen for some sensitive layout patterns (a.k.a, hotspots), thus detecting and avoiding lithography hotspots accurately during physical verification phase is critical for yield improvement [2]. In recent years, various machine learning (ML)-based solutions are proposed for lithography hotspot detection [1, 2]. This problem will be about developing ML models like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to detect lithography hotspots on layouts. As a data-driven problem, a pre-processed training dataset [3] will be provided in the contest. Students will focus on developing their ML models to achieve reasonable accuracy in the testing dataset.


[1] G. R. Reddy, K. Madkour, and Y. Makris, "Machine learning-based hotspot detection: Fallacies, pitfalls and marching orders," in International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2019.

[2] H. Yang, J. Su, Y. Zou, B. Yu, and E. F. Young, "Layout hotspot detection with feature tensor generation and deep biased learning," in Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2017.

[3] J. A. Torres, "ICCAD-2012 CAD contest in fuzzy pattern matching for physical verification and benchmark suite," in International Conference on Computer-Aided Design(ICCAD), 2012.

Problem 3: Counterexample Trace Reduction

Model checking is a hardware formal verification technique that can be used to check whether given properties hold on the register-transfer-level (RTL) model without supplying any stimulus input. It essentially explores all possible input combinations. A counterexample to the property is a trace (a sequence of states) that starts from the initial state of the RTL model and reaches a states where the property evaluates to false. A technique called bounded model checking (BMC) can be used to find such a counterexample (if it does exist). A counterexample trace by default contains the assignment to all state/input variables in every clock cycle. However, some information is redundant. For example, consider a counter that runs freely:

always @(posedge clock)

counter <= counter + 1;

If the counter had value x in the previous cycle, no doubt it will turn into (x+1) in the next cycle. In a "reduced" counterexample trace, we want to remove the redundant variable assignment and only keep those that determines the execution path (the pivot).


[1] Armin Biere, Alessandro Cimatti, Edmund Clarke, Yunshan Zhu, "Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs," International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), 1999, pp. 193–207.

[2] Lintao Zhang, Sharad Malik, "Validating SAT Solvers Using an Independent Resolution-Based Checker: Practical Implementations and Other Applications," Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2003, pp. 880-885.

Problem 4: Neural architectural search for RRAM- based AI accelerator

RRAM-based in-memory computing is a promising technique to accelerate future AI. It employs a matrix of RRAM, or tunable resistors, to perform vector-matrix multiplications using Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s law. (e.g. Fig. 7a of Ref. [1])

However, mapping neural networks to a memristor array involves partition the array into non- overlapping sub-arrays, where each sub-array implements either one convolutional layer or a dense layer. [2] How to maximize the network performance on a given dataset subject to this hardware constraint is a tough optimization question.

Neural architectural search (NAS) provides an efficient way to figure out networks that maximize the performance of a task. [3] So in this problem, you are encouraged to employ NAS to design a convolutional neural network for a N×N (e.g. N=256 gives 64k weights, you can ignore differential pairs in representing negative weights at your wish.) RRAM array to classify MNIST dataset.


[1] Wang, Z., Wu, H., Burr, G.W. et al. "Resistive switching materials for information processing," Nat Rev Mater 5, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-019-0159-3

[2] Wang, Z., Li, C., Lin, P. et al. "In situ training of feed-forward and recurrent convolutional memristor networks," Nat Mach Intell 1, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-019-0089-1

[3] Zhang, L. L., Yang, Y., Jiang, Y., "Fast Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search," 2019. https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.11609

Problem 5: Analog Circuit Current Mirrors Extraction

This problem is asking you to write a program (in C++) to extract Current Mirrors from the given circuit database. It’s a useful feature in software to identify some key elements / patterns from a given circuit data, and then EDA tools can use these analysis results in several different scenarios, e.g.:

• Automatically create schematic view based on the given netlist file, then place the sensitive MOSFET in a good pattern.

• Similarly, when the analog Layout designers are creating the Layout – they can use these patterns as circuit constraints to guide how the Layout view is created.

• Analog circuit Simulator can also get some benefit from these analysis results.

The definition of Current Mirror: M1 and M2 are defined as current missor if the following conditions are satisfied:

• Gate of M1 is connected to the Gate of M2

• Gate of M1 is connected to the Drain of M1

• Gate of M2 is not connected to the Drain of M2

• Source of M1 is connected to the Source of M2

• Type of M1 is the same of Type of M2

Schedule | Date: 15 Oct, 2022

9am-3pm EDAthon2022 Contest

3:00-3:30pm Break

3:30-5:00pm Mini-seminar on the contest problems

Contest System Environment

Ubuntu 19.04 (Linux 5.0.0-15-generic)

  • gcc 8.3

  • g++ 8.3

  • vim 8.1

  • cmake 3.13.4

  • python2 2.7.16

  • python3 3.7.3

  • gedit 3.32.0

  • clang 8.0.0-3

  • TensorFlow 2.0.0

  • High-performance GPU (For Problem 1)

  • HDL IDE (e.g. Vivado. For Problem 5)

Organization Committee


Bei Yu

Chinese University of Hong Kong



Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Ray Cheung, City University of Hong Kong


Evangeline Young, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Zili Shao, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Wei Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Ngai Wong, University of Hong Kong


Zhongrui Wang, University of Hong Kong


Zhiyao Xie, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Hongce Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ)


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