EDAthon 2019

July 26, 2019

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Sponsored by Cadence; IEEE CEDA; IEEE CEDA Hong Kong Chapter

Organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Photo Album:

EDAthon 2019 was held successfully on 26 July 2019 with 18 teams coming from universities across mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. During the one-day competition, all participants exercised their sophisticated coding and analytical skills to solve interesting EDA problems. The three teams below were awarded for their outstanding performance.


Fuzhou University

Students: Peng Zou and Zhipeng Huang

Supervisor: Prof. Jianli Chen

Second Place

Sun Yat-sen University

Students: Hongzheng Chen and Jiawei Feng

Supervisor: Prof. Minghua Shen

Third Place

University of Science and Technology of China

Students: Mengke Ge and Junpeng Wang

Supervisor: Prof. Song Chen

EDAthon is a whole-day programming contest (9:00am-3:00pm programming + 3:30pm-4:30pm seminar) that features interesting and challenging topics in Electronic Design Automation (EDA). It is also a unique opportunity to bring together talents for EDA which enables the rapid advancement in computer technology. The contest will involve solving interesting problems in the broad context of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) of integrated circuits and systems. It will emphasize on team work, problem solving skills and programming techniques for EDA applications. It is a goal of EDAthon and CEDA HK to promote EDA in Hong Kong and her neighboring regions, and to nurture the best of the next-generation students and professionals for the EDA community.

The contest is open to two-person teams of graduate students or senior undergraduate students currently full-time enrolled in a university, specializing in EDA or related areas. Teams will be selected based on their academic backgrounds and their relevant EDA programming experiences. A fixed sum of travelling grants will be offered to a certain number of teams subject to fund availability and discretion of the organizing committee. In the contest, there will be five problems selected from the following areas:

      • System Design and Analysis
      • Logic and High-level Design
      • Physical Design
      • Circuit Analysis
      • Emerging Technologies, e.g., DFM, Security, Biochip, Machine Learning in EDA etc.

During the contest, students will be given the problem statements and some sample test data. The answers will be judged based on their correctness under the given constraints using hidden benchmarks. The teams winning the contest will be rewarded with trophies and cash prizes.


  • Apr 03, 2019: Call for participation released, open for enrollment emails


  • Please complete the following google form for registration.

Problem Description

  1. Tensor-train feature extraction for image classification
  2. Standard Cell Coloring Enumeration
  3. Flip-flop clustering
  4. Graph partitioning for re-arranging program data layout
  5. Machine Learning Based Modeling in High-Level Synthesis

Please see following the detailed descriptions:


Contest Venue

Rm 924, Ho Sin‐Hang Engineering Building

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shatin, Hong Kong

香港 沙田 香港中文大學 何善衡工程大樓 924室

Schedule | Date: July 26, 2019

  • 8:30 --9:00: Registration (Rm 924, Ho Sin‐Hang Engineering Building)
  • 9:00 --15:00: Contest (Lunch will be provided)
  • 15:10--15:30: Team reimbursement collection
  • 15:30--16:30: Seminars on contest problems
  • 17:00: Photo-taking
  • 17:30--20:00: Dinner and Prize Presentation (Chung Chi College Staff Club, CUHK )

Contest System Environment

Ubuntu 19.04 (Linux 5.0.0-15-generic)

  • gcc 8.3
  • g++ 8.3
  • vim 8.1
  • cmake 3.13.4
  • python2 2.7.16
  • python3 3.7.3
  • gedit 3.32.0
  • clang 8.0.0-3

Organization Committee


Zili Shao

The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Wei Zhang

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Ngai Wong, University of Hong Kong


Jason Xue, City University of Hong Kong


Evangeline Young, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Bei Yu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


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