Lab. News

(2024. 5.) Team CDSL_UoS participated in "Autonomous driving control benchmark challenge" held in CDC 2023!

Team CDSL_UoS (Wonyoung Park, In-gyeom Kim, and Sewon Kim) participated in the final round of the "Autonomous driving control benchmark challenge", which was held during the period of CDC 2023. In the challenge, the participants presented their own solutions for control problem of in-wheeled  motor-driven vehicles to guarantee both acceptable tracking performance and constraint satisfactions for ride comfort against uneven terrain. Our team introduced a motion control framework based on the model predictive control and driving force control

(2023. 12.) 2 recent works of CDSL@UoS are presented at IEEE CDC 2023!

Our 2 papers on prioritized control and safety-critical control are presented at IEEE CDC 2023:

(2023. 10.) Gyunghoon will deliver a talk in the frontier session at ICCAS 2023!

Gyunghoon is appointed as one of the outstanding young researchers in ICCAS 2023, and will deliver a talk in the frontier session at ICCAS 2023. 

(2023. 9.) 3 talks will be delivered at ICCAS 2023!

Our recent works will be presented at ICCAS 2023. Please come to the sessions and discuss together!

(2023. 7.) Team "CDSL_UOS" won first place at Mathworks Minidrone Competition held in IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan.

Our team with In-gyeom, Wonyoung, Sunseok, and Junsoo won 1st place at the final round of Mathworks Minidrone Competition in IFAC WC 2023! IFAC WC 2023 is one of the largest gatherings in the control society held every 3 years. In Mathworks Minidrone Competition, each team aims to develop control, vision, and path planning algorithms for a small-sized drone to follow a track in the arena as fast and reliable as possible. Congratulation!

(2023. 6.) Our recent work on the multi-objective control was presented at ICROS 2023!

In-gyeom presented his work on the multi-objective control at ICROS 2023. In this work, he proposed a sufficient condition for stability of the closed-loop system controlled by a quadratic programming-based multi-objective controller.  

(2022. 12.) Our recent work on prioritized control (mainly contributed by Sang-ik) was presented at CDC 2022.

Sang-ik presented his recent work on the prioritized control scheme at IEEE CDC 2022. Someone who is interested in this work can find more at 

(2022. 6.) Donghun presents his work on contact force estimation at ICROS 2022:)

(2021. 11.) We won the 2nd place in X-TWICE competition@UoS.

The team CDSL (배정현, 박원영, 변순석) presented our result on developing a small-sized librarian robot, and won the 2nd place in X-TWICE competition@UoS. Congrats!

(2021. 6. 1.) Research project funded by NRF

CDSL@UoS received a research grant from NRF, for the development of theory for safety-critical control with robustness guaranteed. 

(2021. 4. 27.) X-TWICE project for undergraduate students

CDSL@UoS together with 3 undergraduate students (배정현, 박원영, 변순석) is working for development of librarian robot, funded by X-TWICE project (a capstone project for undergrad. students supported by 한국연구재단).

(2021. 3. 1.) CDSL@UoS has just been founded. 

As Dr. Gyunghoon Park has joined School of ECE, University of Seoul as an assistant prof. since 1st semester of 2021, he has just founded the lab., CDSL@UoS.