External learning tools/LTI 1.3 (Advantage) Update Info


This is the information available as of 12/19/23.

What are External learning tools/Lti 1.3 (advantage)?

LTI stands for Learning Tool Interoperability. It allows information to be shared back and forth between D2L Brightspace and vendors and publishers such as Pearson, Cengage, McGraw-Hill, PackBack, tutor.com, Red Hat, etc. LTIs are also known as External Learning Tools. Below are pictures of examples of a few of the LTI integrations.

The newest and most secure version is 1.3 (aka Advantage).

What is happening with lti?

Because they are no longer secure, some older versions of the External Learning Tools/Learning Tool Integrations (LTI) will be turned off here at HACC at the end of each semester. We turned off the first "batch" on 12/18/23 (see list below). This requires action from faculty that use any of the the updated External Learning Tools in D2L Brightspace. If you intend to use any of the updated External Learning Tools/LTI in the future you must add the new version to your courses. 

If the tool has NOT been updated, the older versions will continue to work going into the future.

What is required of faculty?

Verify that the External Learning Tool that you are using has been updated to 1.3 (See "What integrations are already updated and may be added to my course?" below). If it has, you will need to update it and delete the old one. See how to update in the question below. If it hasn't been updated then there is no action for Faculty yet. Note: the tool may be updated in the future.

It should only take a few minutes per course shell. After this is completed once, Faculty can copy from semester-to-semester as before.

When will this change happen?

For Fall 2023, the older versions of updated tools for the Fall 2023 semester were turned off at HACC on 12/18/23.  We are turning them off to minimize confusion about which version to add to courses. The new 1.3 versions will need to be added to the course shells before the classes start. 

At the end of every semester, we will turn off the old versions to any tools that have been updated during that semester. If you are using an integration and it has not been updated, you can continue to use the old version.

What integrations are already updated and may be added to my course?

External Learning Tools/LTIs will be updated on a rolling basis. At the end of every semester will will turn off older versions of any tools that have been updated during the current semester.

Here is the list of External Learning Tools that have a new 1.3 version


Spring 2024 and after

You may add any of these to your Summer 2024 courses.

Fall 2023 and after

You must add the new versions to your Winter 2023 and Spring 2024 courses if you use any of the integrations below.

how do I update the External Learning tool/lti version in my course

Verify that the External Learning Tool that you are using has been updated to 1.3. If it has, you will need to update it and delete the old one in your course . If it hasn't been updated then there is no action for Faculty yet. Note: the tool may be updated in the future.


Or, if you have verified that your tool has been updated and you don't see it, It might be under External Learning Tools.


Simply select "External Learning Tools" from the list.



Now you need to delete your old module.



You're done.

where can i find additional resources to help me upgrade?

Q&A Sessions

CDI is offering three Q&A sessions about External Learning Tools/LTI.

They should be 30 min or less.

Use this link to join: https://hacc.zoom.us/j/91828123253 

Wednesday, December 13 @ 2 pm

Why is this change happening?

The vendors decided collectively to no longer support the older versions. This is because they are not secure or developed with modern architecture.

Images of a few of HACC's LTI integrations

These images are only a few of the integrations we have. They are included here to help illustrate what an integration is.