
This page gives definitions and explanations for many of the terms you will see in D2L. The availability and order of the elements here is based on the Default HACC NavBar. Yours may be different if you use a custom NavBar.

Click on a term (such as "Start Date") to see the definition.

Use Ctrl+F on a PC or Cmd+F on a Mac to search for specific terms on this page, or click on an element in the list below to go directly there.

Quizzes or Assignments

Start Date

The date and time an item becomes available for students to complete. The name and general details are visible before then, but students cannot start it or submit anything until after this date.

Due Date

The date and time an item is due. Students can still complete it after this date, but it will be marked late. Due dates will show up on the student's calendar to help them plan.

End Date

The date and time an item stops being available for students to work on. They can still see it but won't be able to access it. Note: If they start a quiz before the End Date and time, they will still be given the whole allotted time to finish before it becomes unavailable.


The item can be seen by students in D2L. The Start/Due/End Date restrictions still apply.


The item cannot be seen by students in D2L. Students won’t be able to start a Hidden item even if it is after the Start Date.

Release Conditions

Triggers that must be met before an item is available to the students. There are many options, including submitting an assignment, visiting certain content, or achieving a certain score on an item.


Question Types

Description of the various types of questions.


This provides only two possible answers: True or False. Users can only choose one of them.

Multiple Choice

This provides multiple possible answers the user can choose from, choosing only one. You can create from 2 to 10 (or more) possible answers, and they can be weighted for points based on their correctness: e.g. choice 1 earns 100% credit, choice 2 is 50%, and choices 3 and 4 are 0%.


This works like Multiple Choice, except users can choose more than one answer. One or multiple answers can be marked correct, and points can be assigned in a variety of ways. Click on "Which grading method should I choose?" at the bottom to see descriptions of how to assign points.

Fill in the Blanks

This allows you to create short or long text with one or multiple blanks within. Each blank can be set to have one or several possible answers, with the same or different weighting to reflect how correct a chosen answer is.

Written Response

This provides students a text box to type unlimited words as an answer to a question or prompt. This works well for anything needing a sentence or two all the way up to an essay question. These cannot be autograded, and have to be graded manually.


This allows you to make a set of choices and their matches. D2L will randomize the order, and students must then match up the correct answer. As with some other question types, points can be assigned as "equally weighted," "all or nothing," or "right minus wrong."

Short Answer

This allows you to give students one or more text boxes in which to type their answer/s. With more than one text box given, the answer order does matter. Correct answers in the wrong order will be marked incorrect.

Multi-Short Answer

This works like Short Answer, but the order of responses does not matter. Like other types, the answers can be weighted differently so that some are worth more points than others.


This allows you to create a question and terms or items that the student must put in the correct order. As with some other question types, points can be assigned as "equally weighted," "all or nothing," or "right minus wrong."


This allows you to create world problems or equations with randomized variables that students must solve. In addition to basic mathematical operations, you can use exponents and some trigonometry functions. The variable can be set with a minimum, a maximum, and the range between the numbers randomly created. D2L recommends using Written Response (manually graded) if you need students to show their work.

Significant Figures

This allows you to create word problems or equations with randomized variables that students must solve. In addition, they must use scientific notation and the correct number of significant figures. The variable can be set with a minimum, a maximum, and the range between the numbers randomly created.


General elements of the quiz and specific elements about questions.

Questions per page

The number of questions that will appear together on one page. If left blank (the default), all questions appear together. Note: You must click “Apply” for it to take effect.

Paging -- Prevent moving backwards through pages

This prevents students from going back to questions on previous pages. This only applies if Questions per Page has been applied.

Shuffle questions at the quiz level

Randomizes the question order for each student. Also randomizes section order if you have multiple sections of questions. Note: It does NOT shuffle the order of questions inside those sections themselves.


Allows you to set a question as extra credit. Does not count toward calculating the total points available, but a correct answer will add points to the student’s total quiz grade.

Edit Values

Allows you to change question point values and difficulty values.


Allows you to set a difficulty value for each question (optional). Students do not see this; it is solely to help you determine the point values for questions.


Allows you to offer students a hint for a question. Note: “Allow Hints” must be on in the Optional Advanced Properties in the Quiz Properties.


Allows you to set a question as mandatory. Useful when using quiz pools if there are some questions you want to be selected for all students.


Allows you to create automatic feedback for specific answers.


Restrict quiz availability and quiz duration.

Recommended Time Limit

Lists an approximate amount of time the quiz will take. Note: This is just to help students plan; nothing happens if a student goes over this limit.

Enforced Time Limit

Creates a timing restriction which results in one of the following effects:

  • Allow the student to continue working: The student can keep working, but their attempt will be marked as “exceeded time limit.”

  • Prevent the student from making further changes: The student is not able to answer any additional questions after they exceed the limit. They may still need to click “Submit.”

  • Allow the student to continue working, but automatically score the attempt as zero after an extended deadline: Gives the student an extra amount of time to finish (which you choose). If they haven’t finished and submitted by the end of this extra time, their attempt becomes a zero.

Time Limit

The amount of time allowed for a student to finish the quiz. The student will see a countdown as they work. After the time limit runs out, they will be given a Grace Period to finish and submit.

Grace Period

Extra time at the end of the Time Limit for a student to finish and submit (minimum 1 minute). If they haven’t submitted by the end of the Grace Period, the effect chosen under Enforced Time Limit will occur.

Allow Selected Users Special Access to this Quiz

Give specific users different window to take the quiz or different amount of time to complete the quiz.

Allow Only Users with Special Access to See this Quiz

Hides quiz from all students except those you specifically add.


Determine what happens to the grade when students complete the quiz.

Allow Attempt to be Set as Graded Immediately Upon Completion

Checking this box will have D2L immediately auto-grade any parts of the quiz that have answers and don’t require manual grading.

Grade Item

You must select a grade item or create a new one for the quiz to sync with the gradebook.

Allow Automatic Export to Grades

Will send auto-graded quizzes immediately to the gradebook, as long as you have checked “Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion” above.

Submission Views

Determines what students see after they complete the quiz.

Submission Views - Default View

These are the default selections for what students will see when they submit their quiz:

  • Students will not see any questions, their answers, or the correct answers

  • Students will see their overall score for anything that can be auto-graded

Add Additional View

Lets you add a new submission view with different selections:

Date: Allows you to set a date when these selections will take effect. Set this after the end date if you don't want students seeing questions or answers until after the quiz can no longer be accessed.

Limited Duration: Allows you to set a restriction for how many minutes this view will last.

Show Questions: Allows you to show students questions of the following types:

      • Questions Answered Incorrectly: shows questions manually graded or auto-graded as less than 100%

      • Questions Answered Correctly: shows questions manually graded or auto-graded as 100%

      • All Questions without User Responses: shows all questions

      • All Questions with User Responses: shows all questions and student’s responses

Show Question Answers: shows correct answers for any questions shown based on above selections

Show Question Score and Out of Score: shows number of questions correct out of total and number of points earned out of total

No: does not show any questions or answers

Show attempt score and overall attempt score: shows students their score on each question and the potential maximum score on each question


Discussions List

New Forum

This will create a new Forum, which is the parent level of the discussion tool. Forums are the most broad subject of the discussion. Within this broad umbrella, Topics and Threads will be housed.

New Topic

This will create a new Topic within a specific Forum. Drilling down from a Forum, next would be Topic, which is also where the discussion between students will actually be taking place.

Start a New Thread

This will create a new Thread inside of a particular Topic, which is inside of a particular Forum.


The building where people meet to discuss


The room where people meet to discuss specific topics


Each individual conversation happening within a Topic


Make a copy of existing Forum or Topic.


Sort the order of your Forums and Topics so they are clear for students.


Restore previously deleted Forums or Topics that you want to revisit.


Allows you to be notified when there is a specific change or addition to Discussions.


This option allows you to choose the new additions to to Discussion of which you would like to be notified:

  • All subscriptions: You would like to be notified for each new Forum, Topic, Thread posted.

  • Forum Subscriptions Only: You would like to be notified only when a new Forum is posted.

  • Topic Subscriptions Only: You would like to be notified only when a new Topic is posted.

  • Thread Subscriptions Only: You would like to be notified only when a new Thread is posted.

Default Notification Method

This option allows you to choose how you will be notified of your subscriptions:

  • Show notifications in minibar only: Notifications will appear in D2L's minibar located along the very top of the D2L screen.

  • Send me an instant notification: You will receive an email notification every time a new message is posted to the selected forum/topic.

  • Include in my summary of activity: All new message notifications will be emailed to you once daily in a summary.

Group and Section Restrictions

Allows you to hide parts of Discussions from certain groups or sections of students.

Group or Section Category

In this dropdown menu, you will be able to choose groups or sections you would like to restrict.


From this drop-down menu, you can select the specific Forums/Topics you would like to restrict.


Export to CSV File

Click this button to download a comma-separated values file of specific Forum statistics.


Displays the number of threads and replies posted by each student. You will also see the number of posts read by each student, as well as threads that are unapproved and how many threads each student has scored.

Forums and Topics

Displays the number of threads, replies, pinned posts, unapproved posts, and scored posts by specific Forum and Topic Title.


Enter Grades

Shows all students' grades in your gradebook. Allows you to enter or change grades.

Manage Grades

Create or edit items or categories and make them visible or hidden from students.


Set up gradebook to have specific grade ranges display a symbol (e.g. "B+") or a color.

Setup Wizard

Walks through setting up options for your gradebook. Note: This wizard can be used again at any time to change the settings. You can also change them directly by clicking the Settings button next to the gear icon.


Access to commonly used tools in D2L, plus support for students.


Pearson online tutoring. Allows you to refer students for tutoring.


Tool in D2L to allow students to create flashcards, quizzes, and more to study.


Allows students to create curated collections of work and documents to share with faculty or potential employers.


Add items and categories to a checklist that shows student progress through the steps.

Edit Course

Access to all available D2L tools and settings.

Site Setup

Course Offering Information

Change settings about whether or not the course is available to students.


When checked, the course is visible to anyone enrolled.

Course Start Date

The date a course becomes pinned to a student's My Course widget on the D2L Homepage. Note: If the course is marked as "Active," it will be available to students before the Start Date.

Course End Date

The date a course stops being pinned to a student's My Course widget on the D2L Homepage. Note: If the course is marked as "Active," it will be still be available to students after the End Date.


Create a new course Homepage, edit a Homepage, or change which is active.

Active Homepage

The homepage listed in the window is the one that is currently being used.

Copy Homepage

Click the down arrow next to a page's title and it allows you to make a copy of it. This allows you to edit homepages (such as the HACC Course Home) that are otherwise locked.

Edit Homepage

Click directly on an editable homepage's title (it will be a blue link). This allows you to change widgets and layout of the homepage.

Navigation & Themes

Change the look, color, and NavBar in your course.

Active Navbar

The Navbar listed in the window is the one that is currently being used.

Copy Navbar

Click the down arrow next to a Navbar's title and it allows you to make a copy of it. This allows you to edit Navbars (such as the HACC Navbar Default) that are otherwise locked.

Edit Navbar

Click directly on an editable Navbar's title (it will be a blue link). This allows you to change links and the layout of the Navbar.

Book Management

You can add ISBN numbers for textbooks for the course, but students can't see or use this.

Site Resources


See, add, and edit events that will show up for students on their calendar in D2L.

Create Event

Click to create a reminder or event announcement, or attach an already existing element.

Set Dates

Select an already created element (module, file, link, etc.) and add start, due, or end dates.

Import Events

Upload an .ical file from Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, or elsewhere.


This is just another way to navigate to the content of your course (the same as "Content" on the default navbar).

Course Builder

Create and organize modules, folders, and content by dragging and dropping.

Build Outline

Lets you drag and drop icons representing placeholder modules, links, files, discussions, dropboxes, or quizzes.

Add Content

Lets you drag and drop icons representing links, files, discussions, quizzes, dropboxes, and more into modules or placeholders. When you drag an item (ex. a dropbox), it allows you to create a complete version of the element right here.

Browse Tools

Lets you find and attach already created files, discussions, quizzes, dropboxes, grade items, and more.

Course design Accelerator

Links to all the tasks needed to create a course from scratch. This is most useful if you use it before adding or creating any other content.

External Learning Tools

This lists third-party and publisher tools that are available in the course. Instructors do not need to use this page for anything; the links are used by the D2L Administrator to connect tools to the course.


This area allows you to create standardized templates to have students use for reflection. You can create system fields that automatically pull from their user profile, or custom fields that allow them to upload files or enter text. This is mostly useful for instructors who use the built-in ePortfolio option to have students reflect on their work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Create questions and answers to common questions from students.


Create definitions for terms used in your course.


Copy Components from Another Org Unit

Choose content, assignments, gradebook settings and more to copy from a different course into this course.

Copy Components from Parent Template

Copy content and resources from the master template for the current class.

Export as Brightspace Package

Export an entire course to a .zip file that can be downloaded. This has 3 main uses:

  1. copying course materials, as well as the visual look of a course (themes, navigation settings, colors, banners, etc.)

  2. preserving or backing up course materials for future use.

  3. moving files into Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, or some other LMS besides D2L.

Import Components

Select to import some or all components from a course package .zip file.

Instructional design wizard

Allows for building an entire course using backwards design, starting with learning goals and objectives.

Learning Activity Library

Create and manage activities that can be used in the Instructional Design Wizard.

Manage Dates

Displays start and end dates for all content, and allows bulk editing of dates.

Learner Management


Allows attendance to be recorded in D2L.

New Register

Create schedules of attendance for items such as class meetings, online chats, or clinicals.

Scheme - System Scheme

Default attendance scheme, with only 3 options: Present, Absent, or None.

Scheme - with Excused Absences

Optional attendance scheme, with 4 options: Present, Absent, Excused, and None.

Cause for Concern %

Allows you to set a percentage for attendance wherein anyone who is below this will be highlighted in red.


Determines whether or not students can see the register.


Individual dates or instances to track (e.g. "9/16" or "Week 1").

Attendance Schemes - New Scheme

Create a new attendance system, with custom symbols and names.

Class progress

Displays students' grades, content completed, and login history.


Allows you to create awards for meeting certain criteria (grade range, completion of content) which will automatically be awarded when those criteria are met.


Holistic Rubric

Has grading levels ("Excellent," "Good," "Unacceptable") but no criteria. Assignment is graded as a whole.

Analytic Rubric

Has grading levels ("Excellent," "Good," "Unacceptable") and multiple criteria (Layout, Organization, Citations).

Analytic Rubric - Points

All criteria are worth the same number of points.

Analytic Rubric - Custom Points

Criteria can be worth different points to reflect more or less importance.

Self Assessments

Create ungraded questions with feedback for students (and faculty) to assess their progress.

Intelligent Agents

Create automated reports to you or emails to students when certain conditions are met (e.g. "no logins for Y days," or "X grade level achieved").