New Volunteer Quick Start

If you are a new member, please view the following items to figure out where to best start! Make sure you are signed up on our national website to get all the training, webinars, and updates.

Learn About H.R. 2307

CCL's current efforts are based around lobbying the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). You will want to at least understand the general idea of the bill. Here are some training and resources to get you started.

New Volunteer Training

These are great starting points for new volunteers: Core Volunteer Training and New Volunteer Start

Calling Campaign

Sign up for CCL's monthly calling campaign to call your member of congress. It may daunting at first, but calling your congressperson is important to letting them know you care about H.R. 2307. If enough people call, ears will perk up.

Our calling campaign even gives you a script to use if you need, and representatives' phone numbers.

Monthly Speakers

View our past monthly speakers on various topics here.

Looking for more ways to participate in our chapter? Click here!