Lobbying Committee

Committee Leadership

Each district has a small lobby team that meets with their representative at least twice a year. We have recently been meeting virtually.

Many new members can not know where to start with lobbying, especially if you are new to what congressional districts are and who your representative is. If you are interested in getting involved with lobbying, we suggest that you start by calling your member of congress if you haven't already. You can get started with calling at cclusa.org/call. CCL provides us with great online tools to call, including a script that makes calling very easy. You can use the suggested script or you can adjust it to however you see fit.

You can also email your representative by using our online tool at cclusa.org/action. Similar to calling, you can use the suggested email, but we've learned that there's a stronger impact if you customize the message!

If you feel comfortable to start lobbying, please email semichigan@citizensclimatelobby.org to get connected with one of our lobbying teams.

Representative Liaisons

Rep. Lisa McClain (District 9)

Rep. John James (District 10)

Rep. Haley Stevens (District 11)

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (District 12)

Rep. Shri Thanedar (District 13)

Senatorial Liaisons

Sen. Peters

Sen. Stabenow