Group Development Committee

Committee Leadership

Chair: Julie Wykle

CCL provides us with a community of people that are all working together to protect this earth and our future on it. The goal of our Group Development Lever is to welcome and engage new members while invigorating and connecting our whole chapter so that we can be resilient in this fight against climate change.

Here are some actions any and all chapter members can do to help with group development:

  • Help to contact new members - contact Julie if you are interested in this!

  • Bring snacks to share to an in person meeting or event (go do, no need to sign up)

  • Plan or Host a social or volunteer event (hike, park clean up, meet up at a farmer’s market, options are endless!)

  • Add an eco-friendly or political event to our chapter calendar to increase engagement by emailing us the info (i.e. town halls for relevant members of congress, grand opening of a zero waste store, community earth day events, Vegfest, etc.)