Mission Day 2

Day 2 - Wed 6/13/18 (Shawn & Javan)

In the morning, we broke into smaller group of 4-5 for our morning devotion. Thereafter, we had a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausages, and bacon. After eating, we went into the worship hall for songs of praise and listen to a message about evangelizing. The speaker challenged us for forty minutes to write our own testimonies. Later, we broke up into our mission groups to prepare a skit about a story in the Bible. The story that our mission leader, Lexi, chose for us was the story about Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.

This was extremely fun for us working together as a team to form an interesting skit for the kids. Through God's grace, we hope to share the bible in a more engaging and exciting way with the kids. We can’t wait to share this skit with the kids tomorrow at La Casa Esperanza, especially after practicing for so long.

For lunch, it is a nice Mexican food with bean, meat, and cheese burrito. After lunch, we went back into the worship hall to participate in a short Zumba activity which was new for most of us. Unfortunately, the room became hot and stuffy after our vigorous exercise. We then walked a few blocks to go to a soccer field to play some outdoor games. For the games, we were awarded five points for the best team that followed the rules. Although we didn't win most of the games, our team’s current standing on the leader score board is second from the last (we will try harder as a team later ...).

After the games we went to Oxo to purchase some beverages to cool down. For dinner, we are surprised that we were served Chinese food. It is yummy though from Mexico's standard.

The worship was very lively with a comprehensive selection of songs and a very able worship team. Our speaker told us about his experience as a Christian and his many, many hardships. At the end of his junior high, a classmate of his shot and killed his social studies teacher, and not long after, his parents got divorced. The most extraordinary thing I think was that the preacher was still able to talk about and spread the love of Christ.

It was a fulfilling day and we were ready for the next day mission trip to La Casa Esperanza.