Anesthesiology EPAs 

Anesthesiology EPA's

3 EPAs

1.1 / D1 Performing preoperative assessments for healthy adult patients who will be undergoing a non-complex scheduled surgical procedure
1.2 / D2 Monitoring adult patients undergoing non-complex surgical procedures, under general or regional anesthesia
1.3 / D3 Performing the postoperative transfer of care of healthy adult patients following non-complex surgical procedures, including postoperative orders

16 EPAs

2.1 / F1 Using the anesthetic assessment to generate the anesthetic considerations and management plan including postoperative disposition, and obtaining informed consent, for non-complex patients and non-complex surgery
2.2 / F2 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for non-complex cases in adult patients
2.3 / F3 Performing the non-airway basic procedures of Anesthesiology
2.4 / F4 Identifying patients presenting with an anticipated difficult airway and preparing for management options
2.5 / F5 Managing and coordinating patient positioning during anesthesia care and preventing and recognizing related complications 
2.6 / F6 Anticipating, preventing and managing common or expected intraoperative events and physiologic changes during non-complex cases**NB Part B is a written reflection. See guided reflection outline here**
2.7 / F7 Assessing the indications for transfusion of blood products and managing side effects and complications 
2.8 / F8 Diagnosing and managing common issues in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), or the surgical ward
2.9 / F9 Initiating resuscitation and diagnosis of patients with life-threatening conditions in a time-appropriate manner
2.10 / F10 Assessing, diagnosing and managing patients with common medical or surgical presentations in acute care settings, and advancing their care plans **NB 2.10 can ONLY be completed on ICU, IM, Surgery, or ER - NOT periop**
2.11 / F11 Assessing pregnant patients and providing routine obstetric care or initial medical management for acute medical, surgical or obstetric conditions **NB to be done on OB clinic week during OB anesthesia rotation**
2.12 / F12 Assessing and providing labour analgesia for healthy parturients with an uncomplicated pregnancy, including the management of common complications of labour analgesia
2.13 / F13 Providing anesthesia for patients undergoing non-complex cesarean section
2.14 / F14 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for non-complex cases in pediatric patients
2.15 / F15 Managing pediatric patients with common postoperative complications in the post anesthesia care unit or ward
2.16 / F16 Assessing and initiating management for pediatric patients with common medical conditions **NB 2.16 must be completed on peds ER**

25 EPAs

3.1 / C1 Using the anesthetic assessment to generate the anesthetic considerations and management plan, including prioritization and optimization, for patients with complex medical issues or surgeries
3.2 / C2 Providing anesthetic management for patients with defined critical illness
3.3 / C3 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for patients with significant cardiac disease
3.4 / C4 Managing patients presenting with a difficult airway, including developing plans for extubation 
3.5 / C5 Initiating and leading resuscitation for unstable patients in the perioperative period 
3.6 / C6 Demonstrating required skills in POCUS (point of care ultrasound) to answer a clinical question 
3.7 / C7 Providing peripartum anesthetic management for high-risk parturients
3.8 / C8 Initiating resuscitation and providing anesthetic management for unstable parturients
3.9 / C9 Assessing, investigating, optimizing and formulating anesthetic plans for more complex pediatric cases
3.10 / C10 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for pediatric patients with more complex cases 
3.11 / C11 Providing perioperative anesthetic management incorporating a peripheral nerve block technique 
3.12 / C12 Diagnosing and providing management for patients with complications of regional anesthesia
3.13 / C13 Providing anesthetic management for patients undergoing procedures outside the usual environment of the operating room
3.14 / C14 Providing perioperative management for patients requiring airway diagnostic and therapeutic procedures 
3.15 / C15 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for patients undergoing vascular surgery
3.16 / C16 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for patients undergoing spinal procedures
3.17 / C17 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for patients undergoing intracranial procedures 
3.18/ C18 Providing perioperative anesthetic management for patients undergoing thoracic surgery
3.19 / C19 Assessing and providing comprehensive multi-modal management for patients with complex acute pain
3.20 / C20 Assessing, diagnosing and formulating management options for patients with common chronic pain disorders **NB Entrustment score of 3 is considered achieved**
3.21 / C21 Providing comprehensive ongoing management of critically ill patients in an intensive care setting **NB 3.21 can ONLY be completed on Critical Care rotations**
3.22 / C22 Initiating and leading resuscitation for unstable patients, outside of the operating room or PACU 
3.23 / C23 Managing goals of care discussions with patients and families, including perioperative care plans
3.24 / C24 Providing care for patients who have experienced a patient safety incident **NB This is a written reflection. See guided reflection outline here**
3.25 / C25 Recognizing and managing ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of patient care **NB This is a written reflection. See guided reflection outline here**

5 EPAs

4.1 / P1 Managing all aspects of care for patients presenting to a preoperative clinic (Guideline)
4.2 / P2 Managing all aspects of anesthesia care for a scheduled day list (Guideline)
4.3 / P3 Providing anesthesia services for an on-call period (Guideline)
4.4 / P4 Managing all aspects of care for obstetrical anesthesia services (Guideline)
4.5 / P5 Developing an academic portfolio
More information on TTP can be found here.