The Best Weed Shows To Binge Watch On Netflix This Weekend

Well, the weekend is here or better to say “leisure days”. Most of you would have already pulled out your comfy blankets and stuffed yourself in the couch with some nachos in one hand and hot chocolate in another If you’re one of the siblings you might be fighting for the remote with your other one about which show to binge watch on netflix. But if you’re an adult, you might be interested in holding some really good weed in one hand and a lighter in another. All you would be longing for is best to weed joint, remote and the comfiest couch and want to ditch those cliche movies and jump onto some kick-ass weed shows on Netflix.

It’s time to actually make good use of your netflix subscription and dive into the list of these weed shows on Netflix and get yourself sorted this weekend. I’m sure you’ll binge watch these shows till you hit the new years or even later if you would have already fallen in love with them or till you’re done and dusted watching all of it.

Amazing Weed Shows Worth Binge-Watching

1) That 70’s Show

If you’re looking to get yourself laughter attacks, this might be one of the best picks of the season. I bet you, this tv series will drag yours in your high school days. With the best of the cast including Topher Grace, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher make the whole show a lot more than just a 70’s vibe worth watching. These fellas live the fullest of their teens with their pals in the basement and turning on some rock music and indulging themselves in all the hazy benefits of 70’s culture including smoking some dope weed. You ought to watch this amazingly put up weed show on Netflix, this weekend.

2) The Legend of 420

Well, if you’re more into a documentary head, then spending your time watching this weed show on Netflix is all worth it.

Directed by Peter Spirer, this documentary reflects the emerging trend of decriminalization of marijuana in the U.S. and the potential use of weed in plenty of other areas such as art, medicine, food etc.

Brace yourselves up for the best documentary of the season.

3) Disjointed

This is yet another Netflix weed show that is worth binge-watching in the weekend night with your weed tribe.

This show revolves around a weed activist, Ruth Whitefeather Feldman who runs a medical marijuana dispensary and encouraging her patients to dump those old and worthless prescribed drugs and switch to medical weed. You saw what she did there? promoting her local dispensary by giving out the message of accepting weed to live a chill and peaceful life. Well, Nice Move, Ms. Feldman.

4) Cooking On High

Well, well, well, are you a budding chef in your house? Are you looking to throw a casual weekend bash and invite your buddies over a fancy dinner? Chuck those old boring recipes, if you and your group are found of weed edibles, this Netflix weed show is just for YOU! It’s the first ever competitive weed cooking show where two expert chefs prepare delectable and enticing recipes infused with flavored CBD oil and yes, Weed Brownies too for the panel of celebrity judges including Josh Leyva and Ngaio Bealum. So, what are you waiting for? Pull out your pens and notepads.

5) Reincarnated

Starring the legendary heartthrob - Snoop Dogg, this chill Netflix weed show revolves around three main characters - Dr. Dre, Bunny Walker and Snoop Dogg. Andy Capper, the vice magazine’s director follows the rapper Snoop Dogg to his pilgrimage journey to Jamaica. Giving us major insights and happenings about Snoop’s life as a famous singer and a marijuana supporter, this show is more on the documentary side than a normal daily drama. Andy turns himself into Snoop Lion, a reggae artist. If Snoop Dogg is your all-time favorite then it’s no point asking you to watch ( Of course, you’ll ) but if you do not still give it a shot you might even end up loving the show.

6) Green is Gold

Starring three magnificent actors - Jimmy Baxter, Ryon Baxter, and David Fine’s Green are Gold is an art of minimalistic storyline with amazing message and plot. This tv series revolves around a 13-year-old kid who was forced to live with his alienated brother after his father was sent to prison. Turns out, this 13-year-old mayor maybe not landed up in the right hands. His so-called ‘ estranged brother’ was a marijuana grower in Northern California.

This Netflix weed show is filled with a perfect amount of bromance, disagreement, heated arguments and lots of WEED!

7) The Culture High

This weed show on Netflix is most talked about among the millennials for all the right reasons. It’s truly captivating for the fact that it is filled with the never-ending heated conversations regarding the discussion of political forces against marijuana usage.

This is it, you’ve got everything you need to make your weekend extra chill and dope with your plans. And yeah, don’t forget the golden rule - PUFF, PUFF & PASS!