CBD for Acne: How Does It Work and Help with Anti-Aging and Skin Issues?

CBD or cannabidiol is an extract of the cannabis plant that has become widely known for pain relief when applied topically. Currently, the compound is marketed in skincare products due to its effectiveness in dealing with skin issues and anti-aging properties. People with acne and other skin conditions can benefit from hemp cream, which has been found to be effective in treating a wide range of skin problems. CBD applied topically help to break out these conditions while those looking for long-term prevention prefer oral consumption.

For new users of CBD oil, it is important to note that hemp oil and CBD oil are not the same. The main difference between the two is that CBD oil has high concentrations of cannabidiol while hemp oil is not concentrated with cannabidiol. Although hemp oil has been widely disputed, it is safe for people to use and does not contain THC the psychoactive compound.

CBD oil and Acne

A number of studies have confirmed that the use of CBD oil may be helpful for acne. Acne is one of the most common skin condition affecting people. At some point in life, a person will deal with acne. CBD has the ability to adjust sebum production in the body. As such, it may help to reduce various types of acne. Acne occurs when sebum mixes with dirt, dead skin, and other pollutants. The mixture gets trapped inside a pore which clogs and become acne.

A study conducted in 2014 found out that CBD prevents sebocytes from creating too much sebum. From the study, the use of hemp cream triggers an anti-inflammatory reaction that results in the prevention of the activation of cytokines. Acne may be triggered by cytokines and one way of preventing further breakout is by reducing them.

In a 2016 review of the effects of CBD oil on the skin, it was found that cannabis had both antibacterial and antifungal effects. Dirt and other pollutants cause skin infections. The antibacterial and antifungal effects of CBD oil help to reduce these infections. Our CBD sample pack comes with CBD in various forms which you can try out to ascertain the form that suits your condition. Topical is effective for a wide range of skin conditions, but for those looking for long-term effects, oral consumption is the most effective.

CBD oil for wrinkles and anti-aging

The anti-oxidant properties in CBD oil can help reduce the visible signs of aging. Issues like wrinkles and skin dullness can be reduced by application of hemp cream due to its anti-inflammatory effects. CBD oil can help to moisturize and soothe the skin, thereby preventing the development of aging signs. Moreover, hemp cream contains linoleic and oleic acid, which plays a crucial role in anti-aging and skin health.

CBD oil and sensitive skin

Several studies have found out that CBD oil soothes sensitive skin. This may help to inhibit the trigger of the psoriasis disorder and improve skin which is prone to eczema. The immune system is responsible for influencing these conditions and CBD oil may help bring a balance in the immune system. CBD can reduce the general irritation, but should be taken cautiously by people with sensitive skin. You can try out our CBD sample pack if you have sensitive skin.

How to use CBD oil and hemp oil

The most effective method of CBD consumption for a person with skin problem is to directly apply the hemp cream on your skin. If you have dry patches or irritation on the skin, a direct application will offer immediate relief. It is recommended that you try a patch test to ensure you don’t get unwanted irritation. This is important for people with sensitive skin. Start by washing a small area of your upper arm. Dry the area and apply a small amount of hemp cream.

Use a bandage to cover the spot for about 24 hours and ensure the bandage does not get wet. Remove the bandage and check the condition of the skin. If you feel itchy, burning, redness on the skin, or any other irritation, then, you should not use the oil as your skin is sensitive. Wash the spot with water and try out another medication. The oil is probably safe if you don’t see any reaction on your skin.

CBD oil can also be taken orally to provide long-term effects for specific skin conditions. Oral ingestion of CBD oil provides the same skin benefits as using the oil topically. Oral ingestion has the advantage of less risk of breakouts and skin irritation. However, it has the negative effect of a digestive upset. The CBD sample pack can be taken once or twice in a day and if you do not like the taste you may add it as a supplement in different recipes. CBD oil can be mixed with foods like soup, salads, and smoothies. Additionally, you can use it for cooking.

Legality of CBD oil

The legality of the CBD sample pack depends on your location and the state rules. In the U.S, some states have legalized the use of medicinal cannabis while others have not. The regulations on CBD oil also differ from state-to-state. However, more CBD-induced beauty products are sold in different parts of the world and is only a matter of time before other nations and state accept the use of medicinal CBD. CBD oil is beneficial to the skin as long as it is extracted within proper parameters.