Possible Reasons Why CBD Pre-Rolls Are The New Alternative to Tobacco Smoking

CBD is expanding its wings and now you can smoke a CBD joint that has no tobacco. This just goes to show that the evolution of CBD products will only get better with time. CBD pre-rolls are appealing and have no side effects that are experienced with other strains such as tobacco and marijuana. A CBD strain has a lot of health benefits that come at no cost of psychoactive effects or deadly diseases as it has been seen with marijuana and tobacco strains respectively. This article is going to look at all the possible reasons as to why CBD pre-rolls are the new alternative to tobacco smoking and by a stretch marijuana strains but first:-

What Are CBD Pre-Rolls?

CBD pre-rolls are simply strains made from CBD flower. These strains are very similar to THC strains but with the twist of different effects in such that one contains non-psychoactive effects and the other doesn’t. In recent years CBD vape has been the go-to for tobacco smokers who seek to quit, but now there is another product to help with that. CBD pre-rolls are made out of pure hemp flower that is rich in CBD which ensures it is very swift and effective when used.

Reasons Why CBD Pre-Rolls Are The Best Alternative

It is pretty clear that CBD pre-rolls are the new in thing in the market. The lingering question is, why has it made such an impression in such a short period of time since its conception? CBD is obviously the best supplement there is and this has been proven by multiple successful pieces of research and a ton of success stories from CBD users all over the world. So, what makes CBD strains so popular among CBD users?

Fast and Effective

Smoking a CBD joint ensures faster and more effective results compared to other forms of CBD including vaping! In a study that was done to determine which CBD form is powerful than the others, CBD strains stood out. Although vape and isolates are fast, smoking was found to be much faster and more effective. This study was repeated severally by different group studies to ensure the results were accurate. Patients suffering from anxiety said they felt better within no time after using CBD strains. “The effects are almost instant and this gives me a better chance against my anxiety than any other form of CBD.”

Aids in Quitting Tobacco Smoking

One of the most appreciated CBD strains uses is the fact that it aids with quitting tobacco and THC smoking. Any person who has been an avid tobacco or THC smoker would tell you that it is not easy to quit. This is the reason why CBD strains are appreciated. Quitting smoking has also been associated with CBD vape which also works but not as effective as CBD strains. Smoking CBD has been proven to be much safer than using other types of strains. In fact, the hemp flower in which CBD strains are made out of having the same health benefits observed with other forms of CBD. CBD has the ability to wear off the cravings of tobacco which is very helpful when you are in the look for ways to quit smoking. It also has the ability to reduce the side effects that are associated with quitting THC such as hallucinations, anxiety, insomnia, and loss of appetite. CBD strains are the go-to method for anyone looking to quit smoking tobacco and THC.

Inhibits Addiction

In a study that was recently done by a U.S based university, 50% of people using opioids usually end up getting addicted while 70% of THC users also end up getting addicted to it. These numbers were very scary especially to patients who need to use both opioids and THC on a regular basis. CBD joint was found to be the best option to help people deal with their addiction. The study also asked users how long they can stay without using either drugs and the answer was very similar, not long. The effects of THC addiction are very bad to the point where one might lose their jobs, families and their sanity. CBD strains are highly recommended for people battling with addiction or looking to avoid addiction and dependence over some drugs. When CBD is used with let’s say THC, the psychoactive effects of THC will be submerged.

Mental Health

Just like CBD vape, CBD strains are super helpful when it comes to mental health. One of the biggest problems being faced in this generation is battling mental health from schizophrenia, depression to PTSD. All these mental problems can be solved by a strain of CBD. With consistency, CBD is one of the best alternatives to battle mental illnesses and keep you in good shape. CBD has been proven to work efficiently in maintaining sanity for people suffering from mental illnesses and hallucinations as side effects of using some drugs.