How Long Does A CBD Edible Last?

Nowadays CBD is available in a variety of different and exciting forms, from capsules to vape juices, and edibles are yet another addition to this ever-growing market of hemp products. There are ample possibilities if you wish to infuse your food with the goodness of CBD oil. From juices, smoothies to even salads and desserts, CBD oil is the star ingredient that fits in all most every food and enhances not only the taste, but it’s overall nutrition level too. Ingesting a CBD edible may help you ease out and relax your mind and body but wondering how long its effect might last? Honestly, it depends on multiple factors, from when it starts its action till how long it lasts in the system.

Types Of CBD Edibles

Before trying any edibles, it becomes extremely important to know the potency of the product. Not every CBD edible will have the same amount of CBD oil within. For instance, CBD edible gummies come equipped with 5 mg of CBD oil in each gummy whereas a cake pop has 30 mg of CBD oil. This doesn’t necessarily mean that edibles with higher potency are always a better choice. But knowing in and out about the product you’re looking forward to buy is something every new CBD customer should consider doing.

How Long Does The Effect Of CBD Last?

Keep in mind that edibles do not have a rapid action on your system the minute they’re ingested unlike vape or sublingual sprays. Edibles when ingested, falls into the digestive tract before mixing in the bloodstreams. And hence, they can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to kickstart their effect on the system. A lot of users, overdose it thinking the initial dose did not work on them. Be patient, don’t be them. Experts say that it can take anywhere from 6 to 8 hours to breakdown the food in the stomach, it then slides into the small intestine where all its nutrients get absorbed in the bloodstreams.

CBD edibles won’t make you high, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t working. Users do experience a sense of relaxation and calmness, but it’s response may differ from one person to another. Certain factors decide the amount of time CBD would stay active in the system, including:

1. Your Metabolism

Your body’s metabolism rate is the key in determining how and when your body would start absorbing the nutrients from the food you just ate. If your body tends to process food faster, then you’re likely to feel the effects of a CBD edible faster than usual, but these may not last as long as someone with a slower rate of metabolism. If CBD is absorbed at a slower pace, it may take a while to reflect it’s effect on the system.

2. Strength Of The Edible

In a few cases, ingesting a higher dose of CBD edible may have a more long-lasting effect on the body, but experts do not recommend messing up with your regular doses to obtain such results. These edibles work well when administered in a proper and timely manner rather than devouring it all at once.

3. The Last CBD Meal You Ate

If you’re eating CBD infused edibles after you’ve ingested a heavy meal, it may take a while for the body to break down the food and absorb its nutrients. And hence the anticipated effect of CBD may be extended. CBD edibles work well and faster when ingested on an empty stomach.

How Long Does CBD last In Blood And Urine?

Usually, traces of CBD edibles can be last up to 24 hours in blood and roughly for about one to seven days in urine. However, few physiological factors such as metabolism can determine for how long CBD would last in your system.

Dosing Strategy For CBD Edibles

Not all CBD users require a same dose of CBD oil, the right dosage is the key to achieve the best possible results out of this miraculous drug oil. Although, it does not have any side effects, but anything in excess may not always work in your favor. If you’re looking for a perfect dose, start your CBD dosage keeping it minimum, see if it facilitates anticipated results. If not, gradually increase your doses until you find the one that is possibly fit for your needs. If you usually consume 10 mg of CBD twice a day, switch to edible products having a similar dose of CBD as well, and consume them as often as you would administer a CBD oil or capsule.

If you’re an amateur user of CBD or have just begun using hemp products, it is advisable to consult your physician so he or she can guide you with the exact dose as per your body.

Indeed, CBD edibles have so far been the most exciting and interesting way to experience therapeutic benefits of CBD oil, and edibles can be the best alternative if you’re looking for daily nutrition and health supplement that keeps you going all day long and a natural remedy for all your chronic health conditions.