7 Celebs Known to Use CBD Oil Vape Pens and Other CBD Products

CBD has become increasingly popular thanks to its legality and accessibility. In 2018, eight states legalized the use of recreational and medical marijuana and other products which are derived from cannabis. Currently, a total of 46 states allow the use of CBD oil products with a prescription for medicinal purposes, but with slight variations according to the states. Furthermore, more research has discovered the potential health benefits associated with the use of CBD oil products leading to an increase in its use.

Celebrities are considered to be public figures and are looked upon by many people around the world. CBD which is a non-psychoactive compound is consumed by a number of celebrities worldwide in their every day lives. Celebrities who are advocating for the use of CBD include musicians, models, comedians, athletes, and talk show hosts. Celebs using CBD consume it as a painkiller due to its healing properties while others use it to reduce stress and avoid diseases that are caused by stress. Most celebs using CBD also advocate for the use of CBD disposable vape pens. Here is a list of celebs who use CBD oil products publicly and advocates for its use.

Nate Diaz

During a recent press after a 5-round war with his opponent Connor McGregor, UFC’S Nate Diaz as he was addressing the assembled media smoked a disposable CBD vape pen. People looked surprised and instead of concentrating on the interview wondered what he was smoking. When asked he explained that he uses CBD for pain relief instead of using over the counter painkillers. Furthermore, he said that he has been regularly using CBD after every single fight. He also told the media that CBD helps with the inflammation and anxiety relief.

Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg is one of the most famous celebrities who is an actor, a comedian and hosts talk shows. Other than being an advocate of cannabis, Whoopi proudly supports CBD oil as one of the most effective health supplement. One of Whoopi’s future aim is to show the effectiveness of CBD for middle-aged women all over the world. She advocates the use of CBD oil on women’s health issues like nerve pain, menstrual cramps, and menopausal discomfort.

Whoopi regularly uses CBD to reduce stress, pain, menstrual cramps and for glaucoma. Additionally, Whoopi highly supports other celebs using CBD at work and in their daily activities since the compound is non-psychoactive.

Morgan Freeman

Apart from Freeman being a famous actor, he is also a narrator and a cannabis advocate. Freeman openly started using CBD in 2008 when he got into a near-fatal accident and develop fibromyalgia after recovery. The condition was very intense and painful which made him so uncomfortable resulting to the decision to use CBD to reduce the pain. He consumed CBD because it offered a natural pain relieving effect. Morgan is among the celebs using CBD and has termed it as effective.

Montel Williams

Montel Williams is famously known as a TV host. Montel has been consuming CBD almost every day of his life for the last seventeen years. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the year 1999 which affected him from his head to the toes. Multiple sclerosis is a painful disease that affects the insulation of one’s nerve as it affects the immune system. Montel suffered depression for many years after the diagnosis to the extent of attempting suicide by jumping in front of a moving taxi.

However, after the incident, he discovered the health benefits associated with CBD and started using it to manage his pain and depression. Currently, he believes the use of disposable CBD vape pen helps him in his day to day life. Montel’s goal is to enable people to know the benefits of using CBD and the positive changes it can impact in their lives.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston a famous actress in the “Friends” series uses CBD oil for pain, stress, and anxiety. When Jennifer got married to Brat Pitt friends branded them as ‘stoners’. Jennifer has been using CBD to lift her moods and reduce her stress level. In an interview, Jennifer claimed that she enjoys taking CBD and advocated for celebs using CBD to embrace the habit as stress and pain relieving alternative.

Alexander Ambrosio

Alexander is a secret model celeb who lives by CBD to help her with sleep and anxiety. While being interviewed, she claimed it’s important to get a good 8 hours sleep for one to be ready for a runway show. However, with all the stress of the upcoming show for fashion, it can be very difficult to get enough sleep, and there’s too much anxiety associated with the shows. Jennifer turns to disposable CBD vape pen to help reduce anxiety before she goes to the runway and after a long day to get enough sleep which is healthy. Jennifer is not different from the other celebs who use CBD oil and applauds it for its effectiveness in anxiety relief.

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde is a fashion stylist. Olivia uses CBD for pain after her performance and during one of her interviews, she said that she uses CBD to relieve physical pain during Broadway. Wilde’s fashion stylist Karla Welch also used CBD lotion on all her client’s feet while walking the red carpet. Wilde said she played on Broadway for about six months that resulted to pain in her whole body but after she started using CBD as an alternative for painkillers she feels way better.

There are many other celebrities in the world known to push for the legalization of marijuana. When it comes to CBD use, there is no dispute on its usefulness. With CBD, the whole world is for its use due to its therapeutic benefits.