Frequently Asked Questions

Hello, My name is Geoffrey and I have nearly twenty-years experience serving the local community with exceptional carpet & upholstery cleaning. Below is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions that I get from day to day. Have a question that is not addressed here? Please feel free contacting me directly.

Howells Carpet Cleaning

7609 SE Overland St, Milwaukie, OR 97222

(503) 939-0534


Specializing in a variety of methodologies ranging from residential to commercial applications, each cleaning scenario is best suited with a dynamic carpet cleaning approach. A job should be professionally evaluated by an experienced expert prior to selecting an appropriate cleaning method. Leveraging principles of chemistry and physics, Howells Carpet Cleaning has chosen to adopt a hybrid-cleaning approach. FOUR-PHASE Carpet Care is one of the industry's most versatile area rug, carpet & upholstery cleaning methods available. It is extremely green, having minimal impact upon the environment is and completely safe for small children and pets. The FOUR-PHASE process consists of Dry Soil Removal, Pre-Spray Application, Mechanical Agitation and Hot Water Extraction. This cleaning method far exceed recommendations of carpet and furniture manufacturers. A dynamic carpet cleaning approach is the best because it allows for the largest range of wall to wall deodorizing and sanitizing.