Green Carpet Cleaning Damascus, OR

Highly acclaimed, we are a premier carpet and upholstery cleaning business serving the Pacific North West with Eco Friendly carpet care Made of natural and organic materials, top-notch cleaners contain ZERO sticky residue and are completely safe for small children, family, pets and the fragile ecological system. Enjoy a clean, sanitized living space that will stay clean longer. Fully IICRC certified, licensed and insured. our highly educated technicians are experienced and qualified to restore residential and commercial carpeting back to their best possible condition.

Our Four-Phase cleaning process is complete, IICRC certified and rationally simple.

PHASE I) Dry Soil Removal

Did you know that a thorough vacuum is capable of removing nearly 80% of loose contaminants lurking below the surface of carpeting? Our strong Kirby vacuum is strategically set for optimal dry soil accumulation removal. Additionally, the vacuuming procedure allows for thorough inspection of wall to wall carpeting.

PHASE II) Pre-Spray Application

An Green cleaning solutions is created on-site specifically for the debris within the space to be cleaned. Any specialty spotting and stain removal is also performed during this phase.

PHASE III) Mechanical Agitation

A Counter Rotating Brush machine (crb) gently scrubs the cleaning solution thoroughly throughout carpet fibers and grooms out lint and matted hair like a fine-toothed comb. Our Eco Friendly carpet care is superior because no one else offers mechanical agitation.

PHASE IV) Hot Water Extraction

Finally, area rugs, carpeting and upholstery are rinsed free of contaminants via powerful truckmount steam cleaning.

Rated five-stars for professionalism and thoroughness, we are the first choice for green carpet cleaning services in Damascus, OR. Number One Green Carpet Cleaning Specialist In Damascus.

Image Anchor: Green Carpet Cleaning Damascus OR

Revolutionizing the carpet cleaning industry, green products and methodology have taken society by storm. Top-notch solutions effectively loosen dirt, remove sticky spots and eliminate offense odor caused by stinky diaper pails and oily pets. If the family dog drags its hind-quarters across the carpeting of the front room, there is an eco-friendly solution capable of deodorizing, neutralizing and sanitizing. Expert more from Green Carpet Cleaning Damascus OR by hiring a green certified technician.