Carpet Care Experience: About

Carpet Care Experience: About

This repository of information concerning carpet care is intended to inform the consumer regarding the professional carpet cleaning industry. The opinions expressed within these pages reflect the thoughts of carpet cleaner across the world. Prior to basing ones decision upon a pre-convinced bias, do yourself a favor by becoming educated. Nothing upsets a carpet cleaner like the strong-willed ignorance of a stupid consumer.

Geo-Targeted Content

Created seo-rich content is geo-target towards a specific desired audience. The purpose of these pages is to give a relevant voice to carpet cleaners targeted towards a desired location. Targeted content localizes small business.

Anchor Images

Due to how Google crawlers interpret image/photo media, geo-targeted information is strategically used to capture a specific region or territory. Injecting hand-crafted meta data into images, search engine crawlers are forced to see and process information pertaining to ones business name, address, phone number and much more.

YouTube Content

When properly constructed, video blog content can be used to establish an online presence via specific keywords and phrases. Most commonly known as long-tailed keywords, they can be used to influence and manipulate Google search results.