At the University

Dissertation supervision

09/2021 – Ongoing, Colin Kay (Supervisors: Carla Quesada-Pallarès) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Title: Family reunification migrants: the relationship between entrepreneurship education and training and labour underutilisation rates and start-up engagement in Germany.

11/2020 – Ongoing, Anna Ciraso (Supervisors: J. Reinaldo Martínez-Fernández and Carla Quesada-Pallarès) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Title: Cognitive apprenticeship y patrones de aprendizaje en la formación profesional: diseño de acciones educativas personalizables [Cognitive apprenticeship and Learning patters in vocational education: design of tailored educational activities].

09/2018 – Ongoing, Rubén Dario Hernández Escorcia (Supervisors: Carla Quesada-Pallarès and Miguel Reynés Ramón) at the Universidad Camilo José Cela. Title: La competencia investigadora en docentes de Educación Primaria: un estudio comparado entre Colombia y Ecuador [The research competence among primaryeducation teachers: a comparative study between Colombia and Ecuador].

09/2018 – Ongoing, Xavier Sardà (Supervisors: Carla Quesada-Pallarès and Beatriz Fagundo) at the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. Title: Impacte del disseny de l’experiència de l’estudiant a programes d’educació superior [Impact of student's experience design on higher education programs].

09/2015 – 06/2021, Helena Roig (Supervisors: Carla Quesada-Pallarès and Pilar Pineda-Herrero) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Title: Evaluación de la transferencia de la formación de las enfermeras noveles [Training transfer evaluation of the new nursing professionals]. Defense date: June 22nd 2021. Qualification: Excellent "Cum Laude".

09/2013 – 15/12/2020, Aitana González Ortiz de Zárate (Supervisors: Miguel A. Alonso García and Carla Quesada-Pallarès) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Title: La transferencia de la formación al puesto de trabajo: factores más relevantes [Training transfer at the workplace: the most relevant factors]. Defense date: December 15th 2020. Qualification: Excellent "Cum Laude". International certificate.


10/2019 – Ongoing, Teacher of Intervenció i assessorament psicopedagògic en educació infantil i primària [Psychopedagogical intervention and counseling in earli and primary education] of the Master of Psychopedagogy at the UAB.

10/2019 – Ongoing, Teacher of Observació Sistemàtica i Anàlisi de Contextos [Systematic Observation and Context Analysis] of the Early Childhood Education degree at the UAB.

02/2019 – Ongoing, Supervisor of undergraduate dissertation in the Primary Education in English bachelor (five students) at the UAB.

09/2018 – Ongoing, Teacher of Investigar en Educació [Research in Education] of the Pedagogy degree at the UAB.

09/2018 – Ongoing, Teacher of Pràcticum I of the Pedagogy degree at the UAB.

03/2018 – Ongoing, Teacher of Obtención de evidencias para la intervención psicopedagógica [Obtaining evidences for psicopedagogical interventions] of the University Master of Psychopedagogy at the UOC.

10/2017 – Ongoing, Supervisor of master dissertation in the Master in Neuroeducation (seven students) at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

09/2017 – Ongoing, Supervisor of undergraduate dissertation in the Early Childhood Teacher bachelor (eight students) at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

09/2017 – Ongoing, Teacher of Mòdul de Recerca i TFM [Research Module] of the Master in Neuroeducation at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

09/2017 – Ongoing, Teacher of Psicologia de la Primera Infància 0-6 anys [Early Chidlhood Psychology 0-6 years] of the Early Childhood Teacher bachelor at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

01/2019 – 04/2019, Teacher of Investigar en educación III: Instrumentos TIC en el proceso de investigación – análisis cuantitativo de los datos [Research in Education III: ICT tools in the research process - quantitative data analysis] of the University Master of Research in Education at the UAB.

09/2017 – 10/2019, Co-Director of the Master in Neuroeducation (2nd year) at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

10/2018 – 01/2019, Teacher of Prevenció de Riscos Laborals en Educació Infantil [Risk Prevention in Early Childhood Education] of the Early Childhood Education and Care (VET) at Campus Professional UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

02/2018 – 06/2018, Teacher of Psicologia del Desenvolupament [Early Chidlhood Psychology Development] of the Early Childhood Teacher bachelor at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

09/2017 – 08/2018, Module leader of the undergraduate dissertation module in the Early Childhood Teacher bachelor at the UVic-UCC Campus Manresa.

25-26/01/2018, Trainer in the Diseño y validación de un sistema de evaluación de la transferencia de la formación continua [Design and validation of a training transfer system] at the IVAP – Bask Institute of Public Administration, Bilbao.

03/2018, Trainer in the Training on PBL and Collaborative Learning at the Public Library of Sant Fruitós de Bages, Manresa.

06/2017 – 09/2017, Supervisor of master dissertation in the MSc Management (seven students) at the University of Leeds.

06/2017 – 08/2017, Tutor of secondary students in the Access 2 Leeds module (nine students) at the University of Leeds.

07/2017 – 08/2017, Co-supervisor of the LUBS-11-CQP project named "Entrepreneurship as a strategy to improve the talent in Public Administrations" (one undergraduate student for an entire month during summer to apply quantitative research skills) at the University of Leeds. Co-supervisors: Dr Nick Williams.

04/2016 – 07/2017, Co-supervisor of the UGRLS – CEES – Enterprise Project “The reality of the experiential and social learning within online entrepreneurship education courses” (one undergraduate student for two consecutive summer periods) at the University of Leeds. Co-supervisors: Dr Sally Jones (2016) and Dr Nick Williams (2017).

01/2017 – 06/2017, Teacher of Leadership in Business (LUBS1025) at the University of Leeds.

05/04/2017, Speaker in the Más allá del doctorado: Replanteado la carrera académica a través del Business Model You [Beyond the PhD: Rethinking the academic career through the Business Model You] of the Doctoral program of the Faculty of Science Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

06/2016 – 09/2016, Supervisor of master dissertation in the MSc Management (two students) at the University of Leeds.

06/2016 – 08/2016, Tutor of secondary students in the Access 2 Leeds module (11 students) at the University of Leeds.

04/2016, Co-teacher of the session about “Quantitative Research Methods” within the Research Methods and Enterprise Project (LUBS5529M) module at the University of Leeds.

01/2016 – 05/2016, Co-teacher of Understanding Social Enterprise (LUBS1010) at the University of Leeds.

10/2015 – 03/2016, Supervisor of bachelor dissertation in the BSc in Management (two students) at the University of Leeds.

06/2015 – 09/2015, Supervisor of master dissertation in the MSc Enterprise (two students) and the MSc Management (three students) at the University of Leeds.

04/2015, Co-teacher of the session about “Quantitative Research Methods” within the Research Methods and Enterprise Project (LUBS5529M) module at the University of Leeds.

09/2014 - 02/2015, Teacher of Context Social i Gestió Escolar [Social Context and School Management] of the Primary Teacher bachelor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

18/06/2014, Speaker in the Exposiciones y análisis de tesis doctorales: problemáticas metodológicas, desarrollo y elaboración del informe [Discussion and Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations: Methodological issues, development and production of the report] of the Doctoral program of the Faculty of Science Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

09/2013 - 02/2014, Teacher of Didàctica i Desenvolupament Curricular [Teaching and Curriculum Development] of the Primary Teacher bachelor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

02/2013 - 07/2013, Teacher of Procés d’Ensenyament – Aprenentatge [Teaching – Learning Process] of the Pedagogy and Social Education bachelors at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

12/06/2012, Speaker in the Evaluating Vocational Education and Workplace Training workshop with the collaboration of TUM School of Education of the Technische Universität München.

17/05/2011, Speaker in the Methodology for measuring learning transfer workshop a with the collaboration of the Center for Research on Professional Learning & Development, Corporate Training and Lifelong Learning of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

11 & 14/03/2011, Teacher assistant of Pedagogia Laboral [Labor Pedagogy] and Economia de l’Educació [Economics of Education] of the Pedagogy bachelor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

10/2008, Teacher assistant in the subject of Pedagogia Laboral [Labor Pedagogy] of the Pedagogy bachelor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

09/2007 – 01/2008, Teacher assistant in the subject of: Treball en Equip [Teamwork] at the Nursery University School; Formació i Desenvolupament Personal [Training and Personal Development] of the Work Sciences bachelor at the University of Barcelona. Collaboration on the design of the Resolució / Transformació de Conflictes Organitzacionals [Resolution / Transformation of Organizational Conflicts] master asked by the FUNIBER foundation (Mexico). Training in group dynamics and support tasks.