KT Partnership

07/2020 – currently, Evaluating online teacher transfer training for early-childhood education teachers in Mexico funded by the platform Primera Infancia Puebla. Dr Carla Quesada (co-PI). Own funding.

02/2015 – 12/2020, Becoming an entrepreneur: analysing the impact of ‘with-Enterprise’ programmes on students funded by the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies. Dr Carla Quesada (researcher), Assoc. Prof. Richard Tunstall (PI). Own funding.

01/2018 – 01/2019, Design and validation of a training transfer system funded by IVAP – Bask Institute of Public Administration. Dr Carla Quesada (PI). Budget: € 2.2100. KT partnership.

03/2018 – 09/2018, Evaluating PBL training efficacy on Mexican secondary school teachers. Dr Carla Quesada (co-PI). Own funding.

01/2016 – 06/2017, Evaluation of Vidrala’s transfer of training funded by Vidrala. Dr Carla Quesada (co-PI). Budget: € 5.000. KT partnership.

02/2015 – 07/2017, European Study into Student Entrepreneurship (ESSE) funded by Leeds Enterprise Centre. Dr Carla Quesada (researcher), Prof. Nigel Lockett (PI). Own funding.

05/2016, Analysis of learning transfer in the training and innovation policy of the University of Valencia and implementation of the study: Analysis and interpretation of quantitative data funded by Universitat de València. Dr Carla Quesada (statistical analysis), Maria Jesús Martínez Usarralde (PI). Budget: € 1.987,50. KT partnership.

06/2014 – 06/2015, The transfer of learning in Mexican basic education teachers: the effectiveness of continuing training funded by Subdirección de Capacitación y Actualización Docente (SUCAD). Dr Carla Quesada (co-PI). Own funding.

10/2013 – 07/2014, Transfer of training evaluation for the Asturian Institute of Public Administration ‘Adolfo Posada’. Dr Carla Quesada (researcher), Dr Pilar Pineda (PI). Budget: € 14.500,20. KT partnership.

01/2012 – 06/2013, Towards a Bimodal Curriculum and not school failure for the Telefonica Foundation. Carla Quesada (researcher), Dr Pere Marquès (coord.). Budget: € 71.696,80. KT partnership.

01/2011 – 02/2012, Evaluation of training effectiveness of the Public Administration of Spain. The ETF model for the Public Administration Schools of Aragon, Castilla and León Castilla – La Mancha, Galicia, and Valencia. Carla Quesada (leading researcher), Dr Pilar Pineda (PI). Budget: € 51.000. KT partnership.

01/2011 – 12/2011, FCT on PLUS (Evaluation of VET practices effectiveness) for the Barcelona FP Foundation. Carla Quesada (leading researcher), Dr Pilar Pineda (PI). Budget: € 30.000. KT partnership.

02/2010 – 06/2011, Evaluation of “customized” training effectiveness of the Public Administration of Catalonia for the Public Administration of Catalonia School with the collaboration of the departments of the Generalitat. Carla Quesada (PI). KT partnership.

03/2009 – 12/2009, Developing the natural mediation skills of users of Sant Jordi clubs of the Caixa de Catalunya by Caixa Catalunya. Dr Inmaculada Armandans (PI). Tasks as a consultant on the design and implementation plan for evaluation and training program. Carla Quesada (consultant on assessment from September to December 2009). Budget: € 20.000. KT partnership.

01/2009 – 07/2009, Diagnosis of barriers and facilitators that affect the training effectiveness in the Department of Systematic Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Carla Quesada (researcher), Dr Pilar Pineda (PI). KT partnership.

09/2007 - 09/2008, Project of creating an Evaluation Plan of Teachers training by Department of Education of the Foral Community of Navarre from the Department of Systematic Pedagogy, Faculty of Education at Autonomous University of Barcelona. Carla Quesada (researcher from May to September 2008), Dr Pilar Pineda (PI). Budget: € 30.000. KT partnership.