Visual Input (4xRGB)


Successful (agent's input consists of 4 RGB images, the bird's-eye view is rendered only as a reference)

success at low speed like ref 28.07.2020_17:25:32_16_ckpt=03800_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_I80_VALIDATION_steps=67_total-reward=1.9.avi

Extra careful, traffic at low speed

(almost identical to what reference driver did)

success but almost hit 28.07.2020_17:25:32_10_ckpt=03800_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=26_total-reward=1.9.avi

Dangerously close to the left vehicle

(managed to do quickly correct its trajectory in the very last moment)


failed didn't took a chance like ref did 28.07.2020_17:25:32_22_ckpt=03800_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_I80_VALIDATION_steps=70_total-reward=-1.2999999999999998.avi

Didn't took a chance to fit in like reference driver

(but agent also failed to use that huge gap at the end)

failed because couldnt drive faster, decided to act instantly 28.07.2020_17:25:32_11_ckpt=03800_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=20_total-reward=-0.8.avi

Impatient, decided to act instead of speeding up

(Seemingly it would take too long because of driving at ~60 km/h, reward pressure)

openDD (AUT-3292)


success, avoided collision at exit 28.07.2020_17:25:30_9_ckpt=02850_scenario=OPENDD_RDB2_DENSE_steps=88_total-reward=2.0.avi

Avoided collision at high speed

(also a common example of speeding up just before exiting can be observed)

success, better reflex than reference driver 28.07.2020_17:25:30_7_ckpt=02850_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=82_total-reward=2.0.avi

Proper entering, no unnecessary waiting

(better reflex than reference driver)


failed, seems to not even brake 28.07.2020_17:25:30_5_ckpt=02850_scenario=OPENDD_RDB1_DENSE_steps=65_total-reward=-0.30000000000000004.avi

Powerful strike in the back, no avoidance reaction

(weird behavior of human driver, edge case)

failed, enforcement of priority 28.07.2020_17:25:30_8_ckpt=02850_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=27_total-reward=-0.8.avi

Enforcement of priority while entering

(could end up well, but acceleration was not strong enough)