Bird's-eye View Ablations

No centerline



success, awaited for space, slowed down 28.07.2020_17:06:17_0_ckpt=05950_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=35_total-reward=2.0.avi

Waits for the right moment

(usual case of slowing down at the end)

success, off ramp, solid line 28.07.2020_17:06:17_18_ckpt=05950_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=29_total-reward=1.9.avi

Going off ramp, more than just one lane change :)

(spawned in between two lanes, switched correctly to the right, then again to the right - uncertainty of being on a solid line - unusual map location)


wobbling 28.07.2020_17:06:17_24_ckpt=05950_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_I80_VALIDATION_steps=89_total-reward=-1.2.avi

Only wobbling

(because of no centerline? probably yes, but there are plenty of smooth driving examples...)

wobbling1 28.07.2020_17:06:17_6_ckpt=05950_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=40_total-reward=-0.19999999999999996.avi

Maneuver with wobbling

(agent changed the lane, but because of wobbling tried to do it once again)



success, stopped at exit for a moment.avi

Reduced speed too much to keep distance

(almost stopped before exit)

success, entered in the very last moment 28.07.2020_15:12:48_5_ckpt=10800_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=128_total-reward=2.0.avi

Risky, but smooth entering

(still had some spare time, but definitely not a good practice)


failed, collision with car on merge lane 28.07.2020_15:12:48_9_ckpt=10800_scenario=OPENDD_RDB2_DENSE_steps=79_total-reward=-0.09999999999999998.avi

Collision with car on merge lane

(also speeding up)

failed, didn't give the right of way 28.07.2020_15:12:48_8_ckpt=10800_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=28_total-reward=-0.7.avi

Definitely should give the right of way

(totally ignored that car, no significant acceleration)