Bird's-eye View Ablations



Presented videos contain images that are out-of-sync: bird's-eye view input with respect to reference driver overlay (blue box) and saliency map that are both generated after an episode ends.

This bug is caused by the fact that only last frame from stacked bird's-eye view input is drawn, but the rest operates since frame 0, hence the delay (4 frames, with skip of 4 = time horizon of 16 frames, gives ~1.5s delay).



success, quick 28.07.2020_16:13:01_26_ckpt=05200_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=39_total-reward=1.9.avi

Lazy lane change I

(similar to reference driver)

success, well 28.07.2020_16:13:01_22_ckpt=05200_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=41_total-reward=1.9.avi

Lazy lane change II



failed, cut in 28.07.2020_16:13:01_11_ckpt=05200_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=21_total-reward=-0.9.avi

Cut in, didn't start overtaking

(saliency map show that vehicle as white - important)

failed, hit in the back, watch saliency map 28.07.2020_16:13:01_6_ckpt=05200_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_I80_VALIDATION_steps=35_total-reward=-0.19999999999999996.avi

Hit in the back (see saliency maps)

(see 0:03)



success, quick and smooth 28.07.2020_16:12:59_4_ckpt=05550_scenario=OPENDD_RDB2_DENSE_steps=94_total-reward=2.0.avi

Smooth steering, almost constant speed

(well done)

success, unexpected braking 28.07.2020_16:12:59_6_ckpt=05550_scenario=OPENDD_RDB1_DENSE_steps=122_total-reward=2.0.avi

Hits the breaks to avoid rear-end collision


failed, human didn't give the right of way 28.07.2020_16:12:59_5_ckpt=05550_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=70_total-reward=-0.5.avi

Human didn't yield (see saliency map)

(common case when ego does not wait like reference driver does, then there's no time slot for him to just sneak through, the only thing left is to brake in this case)

failed, swerving, then stuck between two vehicles 28.07.2020_16:12:59_0_ckpt=05550_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=147_total-reward=-0.19999999999999996.avi

Weird swerving, then stuck between two cars

(the exact same reason as on the left example, but with the exception that here's no way to prevent this or escape post factum)