LIDAR & Front Camera



success, awesome overtake.avi

Blocked initially, but decided to overtake

(perhaps because of negative rewards impact for timeouts)

success, dangerously close to the left vehicle 28.07.2020_17:25:33_10_ckpt=04750_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_I80_VALIDATION_steps=31_total-reward=1.9.avi

Very close to car on the left

(not as smooth as human would do)


failed, blocked by carla cola 28.07.2020_17:25:33_27_ckpt=04750_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_I80_VALIDATION_steps=90_total-reward=-1.0.avi

Blocked by two trucks

(could've overtake that right column)

failed, cut in 28.07.2020_17:25:33_6_ckpt=04750_scenario=NGSIM_LANE_CHANGE_US101_VALIDATION_steps=15_total-reward=-0.30000000000000004.avi

Cut in at high speed

(car only visible on LIDAR)



success, safe distance, speed-up at exit 28.07.2020_17:25:34_9_ckpt=03700_scenario=OPENDD_RDB1_DENSE_steps=135_total-reward=2.0000000000000004.avi

Keeps safe distance I

(common example of speed-up when exiting roundabout)

success, keeps safe distance 28.07.2020_17:25:34_0_ckpt=03700_scenario=OPENDD_RDB6_DENSE_steps=142_total-reward=2.0000000000000004.avi

Keeps safe distance II

(strong wobbling, unstable steering before the exit)


failed, sloppy driving, tries to avoid collision 28.07.2020_17:25:34_5_ckpt=03700_scenario=OPENDD_RDB1_DENSE_steps=81_total-reward=-0.30000000000000004.avi

Sloppy driving, tried to avoid collision

(unusual situation when human stops before the exit - probably because of pedestrian, agent decided to swerve instead of braking)

failed, offroad, but yields to human driver 28.07.2020_17:25:34_5_ckpt=03700_scenario=OPENDD_RDB4_DENSE_steps=117_total-reward=-0.30000000000000004.avi

Yields to aggressive human driver, then goes off road without particular reason

(fantastic behavior, unfortunately he likes cutting corners)