Understanding Care

There are many different ways to care for oneself, others, and one's society at large. These resources explore a variety of what caring can mean and what specific ways of caring can involve. They can help you explore your own philosophies and how to work care into your own life.

Consider expanding your definitions of care and self-care with our introduction video and one way of categorizing self and community care.

image listing types of self and community love: self-soothing, self-care, community care, and structural care
illustrations and text by Deanna Zandt
2019 Deanna Zandt | www.deannazandt.com

Social support is so important! Check out this information and tips about staying connected: Social Support: Getting and Staying Connected

About Mindful Eating with Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness is much more than a set of activities and originates as a practice that is and was part of multiple Asian and Middle Eastern philosophies and religions (including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam). We, in the US, are lucky to benefit from the wisdom shared with us from cultures that practice mindfulness about its benefits to well-being.

For more mindfulness, go to Emotional Wellness or Do


Episode 91: Finding Strength Through Gratitude
Podcast: A doctor' reflections on practicing gratitude and information on its positive effects on emotional and physical health